How to issue citizenship to a child

How to issue citizenship to a child

Upon reaching the child of fourteen years, parents face legal formality - the need to issue a child's citizenship. Sometimes the need to confirm citizenship may occur before, for example, if you are going with children abroad or they need to get maternity capital.

Citizens living and registered in the Russian Federation make it very simple. It suffices to contact the package of documents to the branch of the federal migration service at the place of residence.

Documents are needed: passports of both parents - citizens of the Russian Federation, birth certificate plus a copy, certificate in form number 8, a copy of the marriage certificate, two photos of 3 sizes for 4 mm (children from six years old), data on registration of the child, statement, blank which is issued in place.


The procedure for issuing citizenship The child has been simplified since 2007 and takes place as quickly as possible - on the day of appeal to the FMS department.

Citizens living outside the Russian Federation, but those who want to arrange citizenship, the child also have the opportunity to do. They need to contact the Russian Embassy in the country of their stay.

There are a number of countries that support dual citizenship policies with the Russian Federation. In this case, it is possible to record children by citizens at once both states.

For all your questions, contact your civil service. He must clarify all the nuances of filling out the application, check the availability of all necessary documents, clarify the timing and any questions you are interested in on this topic.

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