How to make a patent

How to make a patent

According to article. Special patent for work. This patent is not required only for citizens of the Republics of Kazakhstan and Belarus.

To arrange a patent, who arrived in the Russian Federation, a citizen of other states is obliged to submit to the territorial body of the federal executive authority in the field of migration (further - territorial body) such a package of documents:

  • statement about the issuance of a patent;
  • a certification document recognized by the Russian Federation;
  • migration card with a special mark of border control authority on the entry of a foreign state citizen into the territory of Russia (or a mark of the territorial body of the federal executive authority in the field of migration informing about the issuance of this person of a migration card);
  • documents confirmed by the payment of the tax on the income of individuals (this is a fixed advance payment in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes, fees) for the past period of labor activities among the individuals on the basis of a similar patent (briefly - a tax payment document);
  • information about the types of labor activities carried out by this citizen among individuals in the form, which is approved by the federal executive body in the field of migration.

If the appeal for the decoration of the patent is primary, then the tax payment documents for the last period of work, information on the activities that this citizen was carried out are not provided. Within 10 working days from the date of receipt from a citizen, a statement about the design of a patent, the territorial body must give a citizen a patent or refuse his extradition.

Patent is issued for a period of 1-3 months. It can be repeatedly renewed, but not longer than for 3 months. The general term of the patent, taking into account all extensions, should not be more than 12 months from the date of its issuance. The validity of the patent can be extended for that period for which the tax was paid, the appeal to the territorial bodies is not required in this case. If the payment was not made, then from the day following the last day of the period, for which the tax was paid, the patent action will cease.

A ready-made patent is issued to a foreign citizen only personally in hand to present a passport (another document certifying the identity recognized by the Russian Federation), as well as a tax payment document. This document gives the right to a citizen to carry out activities exclusively on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, which he was issued.

After graduating from the maximum term of the patent (after 12 months from the date of issue), a foreign citizen is the right to apply for a new patent to the territorial bodies.

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