How to arrange a gift for the cottage

How to arrange a gift for the cottage

In order not to defend its own, turning to court, you need to make it right. This also applies to the gift.

What is needed in order to issue this document? First, a certificate is necessary confirming the fact that the cottage belongs to you. This may be a contract compiled when buying a country area, and paper certifying the fact of obtaining cottage inheritance, and a gift, and a court decision. Secondly, a potential gift should have a cadastral number and a plan for it, it must undergo a registration procedure, which should also be provided. It is necessary to confirm the relevant document and the fact that the house in the country area is legitimately erected that there is a vehicle not only to the house, but also to the concomitant buildings. If, for example, gives the mother of his daughter, then the consent of the father is also required, certified by the officially notary. It by itself, as a donator, and the person who takes the gift must have a passport with them.

In the presence of the required papers, 2 participants of this procedure make up an agreement in the prescribed form. Both sides sign. On this, it does not end yet, because the owner of the cottage is now another, so the registration is required to be carried out on it. You should make a visit to the territorial office of the Fed, having with you: an application for the implementation of the registration procedure, confirmation that the state-permanent is paid, the paper that was obtained on the conclusion of the gift procedure, documents indicating that the cottage is now yours. After an appropriate entry in the state gesture appears, you will become a full-fledged owner.

As for the tax, if the donor and the receiving the cottage as a gift is not close relatives, i.e. Parents, children, spouses, grandmothers, grandfathers, grandchildren, relatives and half sisters and brothers adopted and adoptive parents, then it needs to be paid, and it is 13% of cadastral value. If there is no money to pay the tax and accept a gift, then it will have to refuse it.

If all procedures related to the design of the contract for the gift of dacha are passed, and against the donor began the actions that he did not assume in any way, he could cancel his decision both through the court and by agreement with the adopted gift.

In the event that you want to give your cottage to a minor, you will have to go through the same procedure, but your birth certificate will also be added to the list of documents. Until that the child becomes full, his representative will dispose of the gift. He will sign a contract, so it must come with a passport. There is another option: make a document yourself and then register it by contacting the Federal State Registration Service.

If, when making documents for donation, you contact a specialist who will help to do everything so that there is nothing to do, then your gift will definitely get to the one you consider it worthy and no one will challenge it.

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