How to make a paternity

How to make a paternity

If, by the time the baby, the parents are not registered in marriage, then the definition of the child's father is the right of mother. It is she who provides a registry office at the time of registration of the child information about his father, and if the real dad did not bother about his "clearance" at this moment, then there may be problems in solving this issue. How to be the real father of the child in a situation if he was not included in the child's birth certificate or how to make a paternity?

Contact the registry office with a statement written in conjunction with the mother's mother, about making changes to the birth certificate in the Father Count. At the same time, specify reliable details: your mother and the child himself. You also need to notify the registrars about the reason why you were not written by the child's father initially, and why you want to do it now.

Application form about amending the birth certificate on our website.

An example of a statement of amending the birth certificate here.

Also, with you, during contacting the registry office, you need to have a passport and the original birth certificate.

The registrars will not consider your application without the permission of Mother to make changes to the child's document, which should be notarized. So smooth all the "corners in relationships" with the second parent and go together to the notary.

If the child's mother does not want to go to the meeting and resolve the question in a peaceful way, please contact the court. But before that you need to pass the DNA examination, which with the maximum probability will confirm that you are your child's own father. The examination is also called "to establish a fact of paternity." Attach these results to the application, and then send them to court together with the statement.

Only after making a court decision in your favor you will be able to apply to the registry office and achieve the desired one - to issue paternity. And do not forget during the application of the application to make a court decision towards him, otherwise it will remain without consideration.

This option is also possible: when to be made to the Count "Father" in the child's birth certificate wishes his father's nose. This procedure is possible only after adoption in the formal manner. To do this, prepare and assemble all the necessary documents for adoption and send them to court. Only after the court decides, you can apply for you to be recorded by the father of the child in the birth document.

If your child is already at all and not a child, but a mature, independent person who has reached 18 years old, then making a father to birth documents to be made only with his consent. Does not want your child to see you by lawful father - nothing can be done.

Any bureaucratic procedure, including paternity design, will be delayed in time. So be prepared for the fact that in order to recognize you "Legal Pope" by the state, a rather long period will be required.

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