How to issue a program

How to issue a program

Personnel management at the enterprise is very responsible work, especially in the Great Team. Each employee needs to pay due attention, correctly arrange a vacation, ran away, sick leave and other working moments. In this article, we will pay special attention to the execution of the absenteeism of the established working time.

Nobody should explain to anyone that there are a variety of life situations that can cause a lack of employee in the workplace for several hours or its non-appearance, i.e. Pole. However, since the person concluded an employment contract or contract with the employer, he must observe it. Indeed, in the contract, in the official instruction, the number of working hours per day, which the employee must be at its workplace and perform official duties are clearly indicated in a collective agreement or domestic labor schedule. But the absence of it for more than 4 hours or for a whole working day is already considered a boss for which it is possible to suffer responsibility.

When identifying this fact, first of all, you need to try to contact the missing employee to clarify the reasons for its non-appearance to work. If a valid reason in the form of a hospital leaf, etc. no and will not, then it's time register A memorandum addressed to the head of the enterprise. Its goal is to know the superior guidance on the passage and obtaining instructions on further actions.

Blank Stroll Stroll You can download here.

Example of filling out a stakebook note we have.

The next stage will be the preparation of an act of violation of the working discipline. To do this, you will need to assemble the commission as part of three people working in the same company and ready to confirm the absence of an employee. You need to familiarize yourself with this act, get a painting and written explanation of the causes of your absence.

Act form about the absence of an employee here.

Example Act about the absence of an employee on our website.

For the provision of an explanatory employee for 3 days. In the case of its lack of responsibility for work with personnel, an act of refusal is made to provide written explanatory. To compile it, the commission of 3 people will also need - employees of this enterprise. Act need to make it competent, because It may be required in the case of litigation.

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Further actions are made at the discretion of the leadership. In such cases, the employee is punished in the form of a disciplinary action according to the conditions of internal documents of the enterprise or immediate dismissal With payment of compensation for unused vacation and issuing an employment record.

Check the documents:

We hope that our detailed guidance will help you correctly arrange a worker's walk and make all the necessary documents for such a case. When solving such a working point, you need to be as competent as possible in order to further avoid possible unpleasant situations.

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