Simple - how to issue

Simple - how to issue

Simple - this is a forced stop of work caused by the lack of coordination or technical circumstances required to perform work, irresistible force or other reasons. Enterprises are often removing the verdict to suspend activities, to save expenses for employees. In such a situation, the employer must deduct it all right in order to check the papers, labor inspectors did not impose a penalty.

The firm stops for the following reasons:

  • Due to the sanctuary of the employer,
  • Due to the provinciality of the working,
  • Under conditions that do not depend on individuals (equipment wear, there is no orders).

Download here:

The total form of an act for proper documentation is not available. Therefore, regardless of the reason for idle, the owner of the company first writes order. It indicates how long the organization will stop, and describes the situation in the enterprise.

Here you can download:

Order of freezing activities

About the action of this act Official persons are obliged to inform the workers who workers, in turn, will leave their painting in the reporting. If simple, the staff is simply transferred to other places of work, for this, the chief writes a decree, and the working manner gives a written agreement.

See detail here:

Act Ostowa

It should be noted that if the "freezing" of the work occurs due to the employee, then labor is not paid by the manual, and they can even impose a fine on such a specialist. The stop of the company is the wines of the owner, then everyone pays 2/3 of the salary.

In the table of work time, we fill in the case as follows, we set the code of the reasons for the stop:

  • Guidance wines - "RP" or "31";
  • Wine worker - "VP" or "33";
  • Uncorded reasons - "NP" or "32".

Unfortunately, downtime in our time is not uncommon. And if such a situation has developed at the factory or in the company, the guideline has the right to allow employees to not attend work until the end of the crisis, paying 2/3 of the rates monthly.

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