How to arrange advanced training

How to arrange advanced training

To be more successful and getting a decent salary, working colleague is offered to undergo training courses. These courses are with a separation from the main activity when employees are sent to the training center. It happens that classes are carried out right in the workplace in order to train a person to work on new equipment and update theoretical skills. It is important to be able to make everything correctly, but how to do it - we learn further.

For any actions on a company or enterprise, someone must respond, and in these circumstances it is necessary to choose not one professional, but a whole commission. Part of its members will train employees, and the rest are paper and take exams.

If the employee is trained in special training centers, then you can do without a commission. Since these centers give out paper that a person was trained and could work on such a profession.

If the workers improved their knowledge of the workplace, the head of the Qualification Committee gives a form to fill in the application of the workers. And then takes these statements. The application should indicate that an employee after graduation requests to assign him or a new category, or a new position.

Another co-worker should have an act of passing training courses with the desired number of hours (without absenteeism). And the personal characteristic that the immediate boss writes. These papers are worth passing to the Qualification Committee.

And now the most basic is passing exams. Committee members check the knowledge of employees, all data is entered into a special journal (protocol). Then print the conclusion (conclusion) of the Commission. The head of the company publishes an order to assign a discharge or office to the employee. All actions need to be recorded in the employment record and the act of the contract between workers and leadership.

All papers must be in perfect order, so it is necessary to accommodately approach them. Do not put anything for later. Otherwise, unpleasant problems may arise.

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