How to become a notary

How to become a notary

The notary is authorized to carry out various notarial actions, the list of which is indicated in " The basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the notary"(Ch. 8). How to become a notary?

The notary must have citizenship of the Russian Federation, otherwise a person cannot engage in indicated activities. The prerequisite is to obtain a higher legal education of a wide profile. Basic legal training is required because there is no separate specialty "notary" in Russian universities (evening or absentee training is allowed). Notary is desirable to navigate in various directions of legal entity. The more it will know, the greater popularity can be used. This is especially true of small towns. Although in a big city you can specialize in something separate, for example, on the design of attitudes.

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When studying in the university will end, the future notary should be internship from a private or state practitioner notary. The duration of the internship is 1 year. Provided that the travelers already have legal experience (at least 3 years), the internship can be reduced to 6 months.

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After the completion of the internship, the future notary is to be given a qualifying exam (it is made by the Special Commission at the university). If the exam passes successfully, the candidate must bring the oath. A month later, the student receives a notary license. If the exam was not passed, it is permissible to pass it only a year later.

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Then the specialist will have to find a job. The notary may be public and private (the latter prevail in quantitative ratio). It should be understood that in a separate territorial district, the number of notaries is strictly regulated (limited). To get a job, you will have to expect a vacant place (it may appear in connection with the departure of the practicing notary retirement, with his resignation, loss of the license). A competition may arise for a free place that the candidate has to go. The rules of organization of this competition are regulated by the notary chamber, Ministry of Justice.

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The notary, who passed the competition, is appointed to position, allocate the territory where it has the right to open his office (notarial office). If the notary is state, the office opens by the forces Ministry of Justice (either its subordinate authority). Private notary for a personal account must rent an office (20 square meters. It is enough), hire an assistant (for example, an intern), which will be engaged in office work. To attract customers, it is allowed to use advertising, signs, pointers.

The number of notaries is increased annually, and the number of regulated seats remains unchanged. Therefore, find a vacant place is not easy. If, for 3 years from the date of examinations, a person did not get a job as a notary, he will have to retracted the qualification exams.


Notary is not allowed to engage in entrepreneurial activities, act as a mediator when issuing contracts. He is permitted only teaching, creative, scientific activity.

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