How to become the leader

How to become the leader

Competent leader who will behave The team must know all the subtleties and nuances of the selected area of \u200b\u200bactivity. Levers I. instruments The control is mastered in the process of development, professional growth and practical skills. It is necessary to rise from the first stage - the initial steps perfect Ownership of theory and practice.

V Any sphere can be made career starting from scratch. The first step is education. If you are note Time did not get the necessary knowledge, then you need to catch up "for yourself." You can enroll on the correspondence department of the desired sphere or pass the full courses, which, by the way, is more efficient and cheaper. Read thematic literature, delve into the nuances and analyze the material in detail, just so you can fully master the necessary knowledge that will give pourements To perspectives.

Learn to control yourself in stressful situations, quickly analyze and take rational solutions. Respect colleagues, express confidently note opinion and comments so as not to offend, but clearly Stand your position. Learn to adequately perceive criticism, analyze your actions and prevent missions in the work. Coordinate the workflow, in general, unobtrusively demonstrating organizational abilities and responsibility.

Try to the benefit of the company, even if your efforts no one notices. Make statistics, develop a firm promotion plan, increasing income and present your observations and suggestions to the higher authorities. Your appearance in the staff should at the soon show the results better than all previous ones. Be stubborn, but not intrusive. Do not flatter yourself and do not stop there.

Never complain and unquestioned the task assigned to you, perhaps a difficult task - is the test of you as a challenger on position of the future manager. If, after some time, you did not notice any prospects at work, then it may be necessary to talk directly with the higher authority, which is interested in promoting the company or change the place of work. If you feel that you are able to develop, organize and establish your own system - make a business plan and open your firm.

Take care of the psychology I. learn competently express the point of view, to decline the interlocutor a and A.the best position. Initially, put yourself so that you are respected. Never let yourself go to elevated tones and participate in disassembly. Help to customers and customers should not accompany the humiliation of employees. A good leader knows how to put in place not only subordinatebut delicately specify the client or partner For his injustice, inadequacy.


Be yourself and fully giving up your favorite business. Do not lose simply on disputes and disagreements with incompetent bosses, be higher and show an example for inheritance. Learn a new one, remember that the world does not stand still and you need to conquer new heights.

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