How to become a pilot

How to become a pilot

Even if you are a person who has long finished learning in its specialty, but very wishing to become a pilot is not lost. The main thing is to decide: you want to simply learn how to manage the aircraft or become a full-fledged pilot of a passenger or cargo aircraft. Let's look at the stages of both options and choose the best way to develop a pilot.

How to become a pilot - private pilot schools

Ideal for those people who do not crave to work in the specialty, but they just want to learn how to manage the aircraft. Such programs are designed for people of all ages, they will last from month to year, at your discretion. Of course, the cost of such a school will not be small and the price of a practical flight can vary in the area of \u200b\u200btwelve thousand rubles per hour of training.

After graduating from such a school, you will be a full-fledged pilot - a lover, but you cannot get a commercial pilot, because you do not get a flight testimony. However, if you ask such a goal and find a place where you can fly the clock, then everything is possible. People who will take you by their private pilot can be found, then you will be able to accomplish the set rate of the clock.

How to become a pilot - Away Academy

With the academies, everything is much more complicated, there are people who want to become qualified, commercial pilots and manage cargo and passenger liners.

Before admission you will have to pass a lot of exams, not only physics and other school items. The course of examinations also includes a very hard surrender of physical culture. The exam includes several standards, such as running, jumping, stamina. After that, the inspection of medical records. You will have to follow your health and during training, since medical commissions are frequent pilot test. Even in front of the device to work, you will pass physicians every time on a very wide circle. After delivery, another specialist is awaiting you - a psychologist. This is an important stage of the exam, as the pilot is responsible for the lives of many people, sometimes a few hundred. Mental health of such a person should be at the height. In the critical situation in the sky, the pilot must react quickly and cold.

If you enrolled in the Bottie Academy, then you are waiting for five years of study. Upon completion of the training, you will receive the appropriate testimony, but no one will immediately fly you. The fact is that in order to receive a pilot passport, you need to fly a certain number of hours, and students have them too little for most. In the first stages, try to get a second pilot into a small company, which will allow you to fly the missing time.

Work by pilot

Prepare for the fact that for each type of piloting you will have to get more and more new testimonies, at the moment there are such types:

  • testimony of a private pilot (until 2009 in regulatory documents - a certificate of an amateur pilot);
  • certificate of Commercial Pilot;
  • evidence of a pilot of a polynomial crew;
  • evidence of a linear pilot;
  • evidence of the pilot pilot;
  • testimony of a pilot of a free aerostat;
  • certificate of pilot of a superhigh aircraft.

Each of them implies the surrender of certain exams and the requirements for your experience and qualifications.

In addition to cargo responsibility and examinations, it is worth remembering that pilots have a good salary and a big social package. By retirement, the pilot can go out as soon as it flies about 6000 hours, and perform the charges of the captain to 60 years.

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