How to become a journalist

How to become a journalist

Almost every resident of the CIS dreams of making money in America, only to spend earned at the place of residence. The reason is trite simple: a teacher who lives in Moscow, a doctor or engineer earns as much as an American colleague a day. If we talk about the province, people earn a month as much as an American, only in an hour. For many, such a salary remains a dream, but some earn $ 100 for the evening. Today we will talk about journalists. This profession allows you to earn four-digit amounts in dollars.

How to become a journalist?

So, a journalist is a person who not only writes, but also talks (TV and radio). Therefore, the ability to competently write and correctly talk is the most important skill of a journalist. It should be noted that the journalist become much easier than the driver, manager, a cook or engineer. And we are talking about what: you can become a journalist already tomorrow, provided you know what to tell and, of course, know how to write. To become a professional journalist, it is not necessary to finish Filfak and Zhurfak. You can be a zoologist, an engineer or a housewife and at the same time engage in journalism. It is worth considering only one thing - without talent here can not do.

How to become a journalist - What is "free journalism"?

The word journalist is always associated with a person who works on a television channel, in the state of newspapers or radio, pursues singers and politicians and talks about incidents. But this is not always the case, imagine a person who has never studied journalism. He writes articles on topics in his free time, which he likes and sells them to different magazines. This is called "free journalist." In the West, this form of journalism is about 80% of the contents of magazines.

How to become a journalist - where can I start?

To begin with, ask what you have in your city youth newspapers. This industry is not the most advanced industry, but maybe you are lucky? If you find such a publication - rush to them and do not hesitate to tell about your desire.

Prepare in advance. Think what topics are you interested in - sport, culture, health, school problems ... There are a list of 5 main topics. For example, choosing the subject of the school, the list may be:

  • School uniform. Advantages and disadvantages. Statistics in the city, whether schoolchildren can refuse it, make an analysis of the practicality, tissue strength, whether it is possible to make changes to those engaged in its tailoring.
  • Hooligan in the classroom. What are the ways to solve the problem. Interview with parents, director, class teacher, can be chatted with police representatives.
  • Cheat sheets. How to do them and how to use it.
  • Medpunkt at school. What kind of help can get a schoolboy in the medical center? In which cases the school doctor frees a student from lessons?
  • School fees. Can they demand money on parent meetings? Where to complain? Interview with parents and director.

Agree, the list turned out to be quite serious, as for the youth newspaper. You should not only show yourself and your talents, but also bring a certain benefit of your article.

How to become a journalist - who can earn it?

Each intelligent person can earn free journalism. You do not believe? Check out the minimum requirements that are presented in a free journalist:

  • The ability to write connected, interesting, and most importantly useful texts.
  • You must have a hobby or profession that will be of interest to most people. This means that people must share your interests.
  • Almost the perfect ownership of the native language.

If you meet the data of the 3rd criteria, then you have a good chance to become a successful journalist. And yet, you are not obliged to be an expert in the area that you write. If you own the information you need - take an interview or simply open the Internet. Simply put, a stupid person who has versatile interests, it can easily experience good luck in the field of free journalism.

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