How to become a trucker

How to become a trucker

Experienced drivers will constantly hear this question. Unfortunately, most of them say they do not would you like profession trucker pass to their children. Yes, it flies around a lot of romantic stories, but in fact it is very difficult, and sometimes dangerous activity. Please note, this work greatly undermines health. In addition, further difficulties are severe winter conditions and the course of our terrible roads. And what is worse - a big question.

How to become a truck driver - education

To drive a truck no education you do not need. In fact, you can finish school and go to university. However, without a certificate of secondary education you are unlikely to take off somewhere. To put you behind the wheel of a truck, you need to get right with the appropriate category on the truck, but better - a truck with a trailer.

How to become a truck driver - a driver's license

Let's say that you are 18 years old and you go to a driving school. We recommend that you immediately open 2 categories B and C. According to the time it will take 2-3 months, and the money $ 300-500.

What to do in traffic? The first thing you pass a theoretical test consisting of 20 questions. Having passed the test, you will go to the delivery of practical training. On the truck, you will need to drive through the closed area: the snake and the park. will hand playground and will tell you to travel around the city. You should not allow any mistakes.

Let's say you've got a long-awaited a plastic card with the rights to 2 categories. You can control the truck and drive auto Recovery, Dump trucks, vans, but a truck with semitrailer still can not drive. Only after 1 year of driving experience confirmed category C, you will be allowed to open a category E. Here with her and you will be driving a wagon with a semitrailer.

How to become a truck driver - proof driving experience

You you have Driving experience with a category from more than a year and want to open the category E. Let's decide what experience is? Some MREOs require documentary confirmation of your work on the truck - they want to see the labor book confirmation. This is all their whims, not confirmed by law! If you require a confirmation document - require a written refusal.

You are allowed to pass the exam to the category E. In a driving school, you will have to give the appropriate certificate. The examination of the category E does not need theoretical Parts. Practice and only practice. You must perfectly perform 2 elements on the site:

  • Put a wagon back on board to the platform.
  • Perform a rectilinear movement with reversal.

That's not all. You are waiting for a practical driving exam in the city. Everything, now you can led even the biggest trucks.

How to become a trucker - Getting started

Majority long barrels We started with cargo gazelles and transportation by a radius to 150 km from the city. Gazelle has set Positive moments.

  • You can buy a live gazelle with a slight mileage for $ 3000. This can be done without a loan.
  • Trucking on gazelle find much simpler.
  • Minimum economic risk. The recovery of gazelles after the accident will be very cheap.
  • Gazelle can be led from driver's Categories V.

Start with a small truck purchased for your check, because it is better to work for yourself, and not some uncle. Note, working on zila or on Gazelle, you will sleep at night at home, because the transportation radius will allow you in time go back home.

If you want to immediately sit behind the wheel of a large machinery, then start with work in the careers or on snow cleaning dump trucks (utilities). You do not want? And you need to start with this, because you will be guaranteed to do errors, which big The road does not forgive. In your career you will drive with the same trucks, and snow cleaning is made only at night when the roads are empty.

You can go to some kind of automotive and get a set intern. However, even interns Take on recommendations or by acquaintance. No one knows how much you can break the intern. You will ride On long flights, communicate with drivers, learn work, but no one will pay for money. You must realize that the 20-year-old pants It will be necessary to do something impossible to prove your professionalism, otherwise you will not trust an expensive car with even more expensive cargo.

Comments leave a comment
Andrey 01/18/2018 at 4:42.

Recently got a trucker. At first, with employers not strongly forth, there were always some problems. But then I found a couple of vacancies for Avito. One thing came to me and everything went like oil. The trucker is like a taxi driver, only over long distances, so there is no problems, all the necessary documents are provided for the cargo, with traffic cops there are no problems at all. In general, the work is not dusty, everything suits me.

To answer
Ivan. 19/01/2018 at 1:31

I have an unfinished higher education, and because of this, some "friends" considered me not far away. Love from relatives remained Zhiguli, it was necessary to work, began to tax. Wound a driver's experience. In principle, it was already clear that it means to sitting, driving at night, on ragless and slippery roads. Then the machine covered up, and the familiar suggested working to drive a long-range, but I had no right, so I flew with work. Got rights, found work on Avito, went to the first business trip, since then, despite all the difficulties of work, I adore ride away. And decent to get it.

To answer
Ivan. 18/04/2018 at 20:28.

My son recently also stated that he also wants to twist the Brancle. And I recently for Avito vacancy snatched - glitter! Ride from Finland mainly, and they have roads and driving culture not what we have. He took him with him, after the first 12 hours still spinning, did the view that he was not tired, and then silent completely, exhausted)

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