How to become Fey Winx

How to become Fey Winx

Fairy is a beautiful character from a fairy tale. It is the opinion that the Fairy appeared in the last century and repeatedly people heard such information that ordinary people turned into fairies. As it happened, it remains a mystery, but some magical rituals managed to learn. We can also try to become a fairy.

Who is the Fairy Winx

Fairies are an angel-like creatures with wings with magical abilities. Fairy Winx is a cartoon character and many girls want to become the same as this beautiful and little girl with wings. Just flag and move in space, possess magic and do good deeds.

How to become Fey Winx

It turns out that it is not in magic, but in a great desire to reincarnate in the cartoon character. To do this, you need to believe in your strength, to believe so that everything happens. And you need to start with good deeds, while before the most important thing we did not get.

What you need to do: the girl needs to become kinder, talk more kind words, help close and your friends. Let it be sincere help, from the bottom of his heart and then there will be a miracle.

Mysterious reincarnation in Fairy:

  • If there is a huge desire to become Five, then you need these desires to express on a sheet of paper. If you don't know how to write a girl, parents will help write everything she wants on paper. The girl needs to tell adults about what FEE she wants to become, and what mission to carry. Suppose there is a Winx Fairy of Nature, which protects the environment or the water fairy.
  • After the desires are recorded on paper, you need to hold the leaf in your hands, it is once again carefully read what is written, close your eyes and imagine how from an ordinary girl you become a fairy.
  • Then you need to drink a glass of purified water and throw away the leaf from the balcony or open window. It is not necessary to do it alone, but together with adults. It is important to trace that the leaflet flew away is far away. If there is no possibility to do it, then the leaf must be thrown into the river and watch it until it disappears. All this time, while the message will sail downstream, you need to think about good deeds that fairy makes.
  • More magicians advise to eat this leaf and drink water, but it is best not to do this, but just let go of a leaf in a free flight or swimming. Then you need to go to bed, before going to sleep again to think about the Vinx fairy and what it does for humanity.
  • In the morning you wake up is no longer an ordinary girl, and the fairy. Of course, wings behind your back, like a cartoon girl, you will not grow so quickly, but you will feel ease in the whole body and the desire to smack. Magic is also not coming immediately, keep doing good deeds, help your mother at home, do lessons on time and take care of nature. Now you will see, very soon you will become real Winx.


Want to be a Winx fairy with wings?

If you want to become a real fairy with wings, then you need to do the following:

  • to contact the real Fayam so that they put you with magic and gave the power of magic;
  • just so to meet with the FEE, it is impossible, you need to call it. To do this, you need to go to the river, if you dream to become the Water Fairy, if the fire is needed to ignite the fire, and if you want to become the Fai of the Moon, then you need to go out at midnight and look at the moon for a long time. You can do all this only under the supervision of parents, it is important. Then you need to quietly call the fairy, literally in a whisper.
  • if you hear how the breeze blew, you know - this appeared fairy. It is impossible to see it, you can only feel;
  • immediately tell her about my desire and tell me that you need magic only to make good deeds;
  • then you need to return home and lie down in bed, try to fall asleep hard, because in a dream, all the most incredible magical actions occur;
  • in the morning you will be wanted by the real fairy, wait when thin transparent wings will grow behind the back, but for now, continue to do good deeds.

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