• TV
    Telekart is a popular and accessible to the wide sectors of the population a project of satellite television.
    19.02.2019 286 0
  • Tools, equipment
    With the arrival in our country paid roads, the word transponder is heard everywhere. Drivers increasingly ask the question - what is it?
    04.03.2018 401 0
  • Cinema
    The sense of humor is more or less inherent to every person. We offer a list of comedies of 2017, which is worth paying attention to.
    05.02.2018 383 0
  • Cinema
    Evaluation of film critics, of course, is a sufficiently weighty argument in determining the quality of the film. Nevertheless, the final word remains for the viewer.
    05.02.2018 355 0
  • TV
    House 2 is a popular reality show, where young people build love. Many guys and girls sitting at home with a TV, also want to participate in this show, dreaming to become popular and become famous.
    07.06.2017 579 9
  • Money
    Television programs are largely or less present in the life of almost every person.
    01.04.2017 400 0
  • TV
    To date, each person can easily create a film from his video materials. Unfortunately, many are so keen on the process that the elementary shooting rules are missed.
    11.03.2017 501 0
  • Sites
    To vote for projects and stars of your favorite channel, it is not at all necessary to spend money on SMS voting.
    17.02.2017 796 12
  • House and life
    Satellite television operator Tricolor is one of the largest and most popular Russian companies.
    21.02.2016 735 0
  • Audio Video
    Settings of TVs of various brands are standard and, as for basic functions, very similar to each other.
    27.12.2015 1983 0
  • TV
    Would you like to get rich or become the owner of a new car? Dreams come true with the television transmission "Field of Miracles"!
    25.02.2015 2777 16
  • TV
    Entertainment show "Fashion sentence" for many years attracts a large number of viewers who are not indifferent to fashion.
    24.10.2014 2383 4
  • TV
    It's time to make repairs, but still do not start? It's time to turn to professionals! Today, many TV channels offer participation in reality repairs, decor and replace the old on New.
    13.10.2014 2539 0
  • TV
    Watching an interesting program on TV, in which ordinary Russians take part, many viewers put themselves in their place and dream of getting to the screen.
    11.10.2014 7162 55
  • TV
    The "apartment question" is one of the TV shows, in which a team of highly qualified workers makes luxurious design repairs quickly and free.
    09.10.2014 2371 7
  • TV
    This year, the popular realistic show "House 2" turned 10 years. All this time, the fans accurately followed the participants most of all wanted to find out where the house 2 is located, because this information first did not specifically spread.
    13.09.2014 4007 0
