Top 10 best films 2017

Top 10 best films 2017

The evaluation of film critics, of course, is a fairly significant argument in determining the quality of the film. Nevertheless, the final word remains for the viewer. What is the most interesting film products remembered 2017?


The final part of the films cycle about one of the key heroes of X-Romolosh people. This time, the generation of mutants stands on the verge of final extinction. No more people and such as Wolverine no longer find places in the modern world. Older Logan, despite the ability of his body to regenerate, feels and understands that his days are approaching the end. A random meeting with a mutant-like Mutant makes Wolverine to make the final jerk and save not only the world, but also for themselves.

Get beautifully

The tape represents a free remake of the 1979 picture of the same name. The filming of the film is light and relaxed, but from that no less deep is his social promise. The problem of old age and complex life circumstances can push into the most unexpected actions. In the center of the film - three pensioners who are friends not one decade. Feeling acute lack of finance and hard pressing system, friends decide at least finally have fun and "Tear Kush" - rob the bank. But how to do it, if old men do not know how to keep the weapons in their hands?

Blade Runner 2049

The tape is a continuation of the acclaimed paintings in 1982 Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner." Confronting humans and replicants continues. In carrying out the task, the officer Kay opens threatening secret society. To prevent chaos and the beginning of a new round of confrontation with the replicants, the police will have to solve a difficult task - to find Rick Deckard, who disappeared 30 years ago, and collect all the parts of the puzzle.


An unusual film allegory of Darren Aronofsky (the author of the "Black Swan" and "Requiem for a Dream") with biblical subtext. The main characters of the tape are a married couple whose life is filled with harmony and mutual understanding. A loving spouse fully supports a writer's husband, like mother-nature follows the creator's plan. At a certain point, another couple appears on the threshold of their home, and then their sons. New guests have become a serious check of not only the relationship, but also the beliefs of the owners of the home.

Call me by your name

Summer. Italy. Young Elio rests at the country of his parents. A random meeting of two guys - Teen Elio and a young scientist Oliver - will turn into an passionate novel and will change the life of each of them forever. Lovers understand that they do not be together, but feelings are stronger than reason. Separate attention is paid to the parents of Elio and the response of the father to the passion of the Son.

Throne Elf

Full-length cartoon tape has become a joint product of China and the United States. She tells about the events that unfold 2 years after the "Black Dragon: the history of the warrior." A trip to the country of elves in which Lambert is departed, promises to be not only interesting, but also pleasant - it is waiting for a meeting with a beautiful elphi of Liya. However, Elena - the Queen of the Dark Elves - has its own plans regarding the crystal of the Black Dragon. And now only in the forces of Lambert and Liii to save the princess and the whole kingdom of death.

Dog life

Family ribbon is a shielding of the literary work "Life and the goal of the dog" Bruce Cameron. How interesting and in perfect sometimes it happens to look at the world through the eyes of PSA. The little boy Ian saves the same little puppy Bailey. The faithful dog is accompanied by an adult young man everywhere, but one day the dog dies. Returning to the world of Shepherdka, the dog again serves as a new friend. Breeding again and again, with each new owner, the dog learns more and more about his destination on this earth. The most emotional is the final rebirth of the PSA and a meeting with an already adult Itan.


By law, it can be considered the best military film of 2017. Events unfold at the beginning of World War II near the city of Dunkirk, when hundreds of thousands of Union (British, French and Belgian) troops are surrounded by the Wehrmacht forces. The tape tells about a large-scale operation for saving these soldiers. Life-motive painting: "Evacuation is not a victory, but salvation itself and there is a win."

Van Gogh. With love

The picture is interesting not only to the plot line, but also the manner of the feed is a multiplication tape created by oil paints. In the center of the film - the mystery of the death of the Netherlands postminglyonist Van Gogh. A close surroundings and just familiar painters are trying to understand why Vincent left life so early, and not quite ordinary way - as a result of a shot in the stomach.


Debut full-length tape in the horror genre from Jordan Saw. Despite all the attempts of modern society, depict tolerance, the problem of racism still exists and is closer than it may seem. Romantic relationship between young photographer Chris and his beloved Rosie lead a couple in a country house where the parents of the girl live. The increased interest of the white rose family to her African American satellite causes only one desire from the guy - to leave this strange place faster. But this is not so easy.


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