10 historical films worth seeing

10 historical films worth seeing

Labor man alternating with rest. Such is the sequence of our harmonious happy life. Sometimes there is a question of how to spend the leisure quietly and with benefit. One of the possible options is to plunge into the world of cinema, look into the life and experiences of historical characters, learn their vital wisdom and resistance. Consider the top ten films covering the past epochs, in any order without reference to ratings, quantity and name of nominations.

brave Heart

When tyranny, fears, groundless punishments, laws that infiltrate the rights of the poor and protecting the rich laws are beginning to dominate the society, then a person will definitely appear to awaken the hearts from this illusion of hopelessness. A person who will prove the infection of the ruling class with his example and actions to the sovereign, will show the opportunity to radically change his life to those who are looking for freedom - physical, spiritual, human. These torches conquer the hearts and inspire respect even with their opponents.


Life can how to highly raise a person, and very low to lower, right up to a slave speaking in the arena for the fun of the crowd. Only every battle is not a joke, but ends with the death of one of the participants.


When the royal genus breaks through the male line, a woman comes to power. The ruling circles of officials and churches are planning their domination and methods of eliminating the queen from real affairs, leaving her some executive functions. But they do not take into account the nature of the character, the horizon, the sense of duty and responsibility for their people who are brought up in the heirs of the heirs of the throne without binding to the floor. Someone is frightened to manifest them, being on the throne, and someone, on the contrary, is able to abandon all the charms of personal life, bringing her sacrifice for the prosperity of their people and the state.

Mother Teresa

India is a mysterious country with a very ancient culture and traditions. On the other hand, she and the most peaceful in nature. However, this does not save its inhabitants from poverty and deaths on the streets. Great missionaries tasty for the value of human life, for returning to the Creator, for mercy and elementary attention to each person, face huge barriers on their way. But the last is overcome, thanks to the kindness, sincerity of the impulses and the actions of the first.

Mother Teresa, having no born baby, became a real mother for many thousands of children and adults. A film about the strength of the Spirit, faith, purposefulness, a clear consequence of his dear life.


In ancient Greece, they lived not only by scientists and philosophers of a man, but also women. The story of one of them with a sad fate.


Large-scale shooting and beautiful scenery. Having a reliable impregnable fortress, the ruler still should not be relaxed and believing in its invincibility. Let the war goes in accordance with the laws, but human charity and respect for the requests of the elders are preserved.

Joan of Arc

In times of wars and loss of faith, people need a person, the ability to light a ray of hope, encourage, inspire confidence at the right of their actions. Moreover, the Church also supports him and blesses for good things.


Talented people wise royal power invited to high posts and commissioned responsible tasks, especially in wartime. But the love between a man and a woman is able to resist the war, and the opinion of the public, and the impending terrible events.

White Guard

The film shows events unfolding at the junction of frequent shifts of ruling power in the state. Brightly shown the moments when true human values \u200b\u200bare trapped and eradicated, and violence, bullying, deception is glorified and exalted.

Taras Bulba

The Ukrainian people sought independence for a long time, repeatedly made attempts to establish himself in their country without the reign of foreigners in it. Cossacks loved the will, knew how to live, fight and die for a bright idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom. But, if the Son betrays his people, then even his father is able to mercilessly kill his offspring.

We briefly reviewed the plot lines of historical films that will give you, besides aesthetic pleasure, food for reflection.

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