  • In contact with
    Video Gallery of the social network VKontakte contains a huge variety of different videos: ranging from jokes and jokes, ending with the films and TV shows.
    28.02.2019 286 0
  • Cinema
    Horror films lovers know that periodically want to rush the nerves viewing a high-quality film.
    06.02.2018 361 0
  • Cinema
    The sense of humor is more or less inherent to every person. We offer a list of comedies of 2017, which is worth paying attention to.
    05.02.2018 382 0
  • Cinema
    Evaluation of film critics, of course, is a sufficiently weighty argument in determining the quality of the film. Nevertheless, the final word remains for the viewer.
    05.02.2018 354 0
  • Cinema
    The magic of the winter holidays, beautifully dressed up, delicious sweets and good Soviet cartoons will delight not only children, but also adults.
    29.12.2017 372 0
  • Cinema
    Zoryana Marchenko - Young Ukrainian and Russian actress of cinema. It became known after the release of the director's multiserry film and actor Alexander Mokhov "While the village is sleeping," published in early 2014.
    01.08.2017 417 0
  • Cinema
    Fans of thrillers prefer to break the brain about the ending. But there is a special charm in films when the author twists the ending rather unexpectedly, it is difficult to guess even the greatest minds.
    28.07.2017 469 0
  • Cinema
    If you are a creative person and want to write your work, you can start with faint. It is convenient that you do not need to invent the entire plot and heroes again, because you simply add the continuation or a new part of the already written book or already filmed the film, or the finished computer game.
    10.02.2017 461 0
  • Internet
    The trend to buy discs went back in the past, now people can just download the desired content for a couple of clicks for free either by buying a license.
    03.02.2017 476 0
  • Cinema
    2016 became particularly successful for comedy lovers, many wonderful films came to the screens to the screens with the comedy genre's virtuosos, some of them were more funny, some less.
    10.12.2016 545 0
  • Cinema
    Cinema will never cease to delight us, lovers to rip their nerves of horror films, the benefit of every year new people appear, among which you can find something worthwhile.
    03.11.2016 640 0
  • Cinema
    A good healthy laughter prolongs our lives and facilitates the perception of events around. And if you can laugh from the heart on yourself, then you are not afraid of any disease, then you have many friends and energy for the rich stay of the current moment.
    04.06.2016 1288 0
  • Cinema
    Masterpieces of cinema immerse us into the colorful world of illusions and fantasies. Move from the mysterious depths of the ocean to the sparkling stars of the universe.
    03.06.2016 1127 0
  • Cinema
    Fans of serials of no less than the remaining kinomans are waiting for ways to continue the fabulous tapes and innovations of cinema.
    22.05.2016 1290 0
  • Cinema
    Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of high-quality animation love not only children, but also adults. Bright paints, exciting plot and sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions will give the cartoons of 2016.
    20.05.2016 714 0
  • Cinema
    Sometimes it is so difficult to navigate in the new items of the cinema: the TV is shot by commercials from domestic and foreign film, and the voice behind the scenes claims that this is the picture that you need to see.
    20.05.2016 803 0
  • Cinema
    Sometimes, each of us wants to plunge into the world of love and romance, once again feel the excitement of the first date, survive the heartbreaking partitions, to taste passionate kisses and sensual arms.
    02.04.2016 873 0
  • Cinema
    Cinema, like any art, should arouse emotions. It should surprise, worry and excite our consciousness.
    13.03.2016 1548 0
  • Cinema
    Films based on real events attract spectators in that actions actually happened.
    12.03.2016 992 1
  • Cinema
    Labor man alters with rest. Such is the sequence of our harmonious happy life. Sometimes there is a question how to spend leisure peacefully and with benefit.
    11.03.2016 1216 0
  • Cinema
    The film is a great opportunity to take yourself if you are bored or just want to relax. It is enough to take a comfortable position, cook your favorite snacks - it's only to choose what to see.
    10.03.2016 1845 0
  • Cinema
    For all the years of the existence of cinematography, many horror films were shot, which were successful and not very attempts to make up the imagination and minds of the cointers of this genre.
    10.03.2016 1597 0
  • Cinema
    The 2015 cinema offers bright and fascinating tapes, which should be given for some time to view.
    15.01.2016 1280 0
  • Cinema
    Stand on your feet after severe loss or betrayal, love life, losing ability to work; To regain faith in yourself - these are the goals that are difficult to achieve without sufficient motivation.
    11.01.2016 702 0
  • Cinema
    When downloading a movie on the Internet, not all users of personal computers pay attention to the set of letters recorded after its name.
    01.05.2015 2343 0
  • Internet
    Sometimes after a hard working day, I want to see something interesting, cool, laugh and relax.
    09.12.2014 1706 0
