How to write fan fiction

How to write fan fiction

If you are a creative person and want to write your work, you can start with faint. It is convenient because it is not necessary to invent the entire plot and heroes again, because you simply add the continuation or a new part of the already written book or already filmed the film, or a ready-made computer game. How to write fan fiction?

How to write fan fiction - decide on the work and theme

Choose a piece with which you are very familiar. You must understand the characters and behavior of the main characters, know all previous events. This work should have been to first view (reading) to inspire you to continue and thinking about the further development of the plot.

How to write fan fiction - work on the basis of the plot and details

Think how you can continue the existing history. You can develop a love line of relationships or friendly. You may have to save someone, open secrets or vice versa, hide them. Interest readers with an interesting start, which is subtly hinting about the further development of events. Alternate joyful and sad events. Do not tighten the plot of boring reflections, make it dynamic.

How to write fan fiction - enter something unusual

Like uniqueness in fan fiction. It should be a sharp change that interests readers. Reliable the deceased Hero, come up with a new interesting character, write about past events or postpone the future. Change the characters with roles or make them act and expand their behavior during a natural disaster.

How to write fan fiction - surprise the ending

The final should turn out to be completed, and logically completed. Try at the beginning to come up with the final and, pushing out from him, write a plot. If it is difficult to act like this, you can add a raisyn and unpredictable junction of the story. Just avoid banal, unnatural and repeating endings.

How to write fan fiction - reread

After a few days or weeks, re-read the fan fiction from beginning to end. You probably find inconsistencies or something you will not like. Correct inaccuracies. It is desirable that before the publication you had a third-party reader, who rereading fan fiction, will indicate you for misses. Treat criticism with understanding, because this is the ability to make a work more interesting for readers.

When your fan fiction will be ready, you can lay it out on the site of fanfic. Share your creation with others. Get ready for criticism, but remember that together with criticism you will meet like-minded people who will like your flight of thoughts and the work itself.

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