How to keep a reader's diary

How to keep a reader's diary

During the holidays, schoolchildren have to work a lot with books. The specified works must not only read, but also remember the main nuances, heroes, events, write quotes to apply them in writings. For such purposes it is advisable to start a reader's diary.

How to make a reader's diary?

There are already ready-made readers for sale in stores, where in order it is necessary to fill items: the name of the book, author, reading date, the main characters, a brief story that I liked in the book, strangers, etc. To save, you can make a reader diary from a regular notebook or notepad. On the Internet there are already ready-made reader diary templates for printout. Some disciples like the reader's diary in electronic form.

Start of reader diary

At the very beginning of your notebook, write down the full list of books that you should read for the holidays. After reading each work, check the box on the contrary or evaluation. So in the end you can make your own rating of books. The teacher will surely ask what the book you liked most and why. So you are not confused and will be ready to give a clear and structured response.

Sketches in the reader's diary

Some children are easier to memorize information through drawings. Do not limit yourself to text. Make small sketches of the most liked moments in the book. You can draw the heroes of the book, what you see them.

Comparison of books in the reader's diary

For "advanced" readers, you can write down in a separate column, which other book you reminded the read work, and spend your little investigation. This expands the horizons, develops logic and contributes to the best absorption of the material.

Quotes in the reader's diary

Pay special attention to passages from the book. Write them separately. Underline or highlight in red those quotes that are in your opinion the most "powerful" in the product. Quotes can also decorate with drawings, sketches or cutouts from magazines. Be a little imagination.

Is there a library blog for adults?

In the depths of the soul we are all children. Therefore, with a great desire any adult who loves to read, is to find yourself a blog reader. It is impossible to keep in mind all the works read in a year. Therefore, the reader's diary can make any adult for himself.

Reader Blog - this is a very good thing for both children and adults. It helps to quickly recall the plot of the book. Some students, inspired by the knowledge of this diary, start blogging on the Internet, where the share with the world his impressions of the various works. Someone uses quotes from the reader's diary for creating postcards, paintings, writing personal letters and wishes.

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