  • Art
    The lyric work "Cherry Garden" is one of the most famous and dramatic works of A.
    01.09.2018 346 0
  • Literature
    Allegory - the method of illusion used in art for an allegorical description of reality. The reception outlines the object with the assistance of hints, and the semantic meaning of what is happening does not disappear, and is complemented by portable interpretation.
    30.06.2018 365 0
  • Literature
    Folklore is one of the types of folk creativity, expressed in the form of fairy tales, musical works, chastushki, etc.
    25.01.2018 460 0
  • Literature
    In Russian literature, as in the literature of other countries, there are various genres of writing works in prose.
    04.11.2017 560 0
  • Art
    Daniel Alexandrovich Garin - a person known far beyond Russia. Brilliant writer, editor, screenwriter, laureate of numerous awards, owner of state awards, as well as a person who dedicated his livelihood of social activities is only the overall characteristics of one of the talented writers of Russia.
    01.08.2017 443 0
  • Cinema
    If you are a creative person and want to write your work, you can start with faint. It is convenient because it is not necessary to invent the entire plot and heroes again, because you simply add the continuation or a new part of the already written book or already filmed the film, or a ready-made computer game.
    10.02.2017 463 0
  • Literature
    Women of the novel "Hero of our time" - bright personality. They are beautiful, volitional, smart, with sensitive and kind hearts.
    26.03.2016 749 0
  • Literature
    If the forces are dried and, it seems, I don't want to do anything else, you must again melt yourself. For this there are many ways: biographies of outstanding personalities, movies or books.
    14.01.2016 926 0
