  • Art
    The lyric work "Cherry Garden" is one of the most famous and dramatic works of A.
    01.09.2018 346 0
  • Art
    It can be beautifully drawn far from everyone, and not because they are deprived of such a gift, but because of his laziness.
    20.05.2018 301 0
  • Art
    Before the egg began to tie with the Christian Easter, it was a symbol of many holidays in various nations.
    17.02.2018 317 0
  • Art
    Cute and good Soviet postcards Happy New Year cause longing for childhood, raise the mood. Do you remember how the colorful New Year cards received from friends and relatives?
    21.12.2017 373 0
  • Art
    Art is a deep and multifaceted sphere of human activity. Differences in the perception of the surrounding world, the strength and depth of emotional experiences, their character, as well as individual views and talents gave rise to many directions in art.
    14.12.2017 386 0
  • Valentine's Day
    Gifts and decor, made with your own hands, is always interesting and unusual. Hand Made thematic products will make any holiday even warmer and mental.
    06.12.2017 375 0
  • Art
    Compact and at the same time an extremely melodic lip harmonic is a popular and interesting musical instrument.
    03.12.2017 358 0
  • House and life
    Increasingly, elements of the decor in the style of Hand-Maid are found in modern interiors. One of the fashionable innovations was the volume letters that protrude with an independent decoration or fold in the compositions from different words.
    13.11.2017 384 0
  • Art
    In addition to the fact that the artist of the circus, famous for the whole world, M catislav, was an unsurpassed professional of his business, he was a multilateral figure that was not limited to one sphere.
    13.09.2017 374 0
  • Art
    Daniel Alexandrovich Granin - a person known far beyond Russia. Brilliant writer, editor, screenwriter, laureate of numerous awards, owner of state awards, as well as a person who dedicated his livelihood of social activities is just the overall characteristics of one of the talented writers of Russia.
    01.08.2017 443 0
  • Art
    Learn very quickly memorizing notes. You can play on keyboard tools. Fine piano is suitable: buy it home or sign up for special courses.
    08.02.2017 527 0
  • Art
    If you have a huge desire to draw with oil paints, but you do not know how to trouble. Start learning to draw with oil paints is never late.
    21.01.2017 502 0
  • Art
    Cats, today, occupy a separate niche in the life of a person. Little kittens are very cute. Today we draw a phased fluffy kitten.
    24.12.2016 457 0
  • Art
    Still life - an image of non-living items. It is difficult to imagine a beautiful still life without a vase. They are a variety of forms - from rectangular to cone-shaped, with handles and without, transparent and no.
    03.11.2016 504 0
  • Children
    Someone from the kids dreams of becoming a doctor, someone hairdresser or president. If your child dreams of becoming an astronaut or he is just wondering everything that is connected with space, then it's time to take colored pencils and immerse it through creativity into the immense space of the universe.
    02.09.2016 475 0
  • Art
    Now on the Internet there are a lot of pictures with a variety of content - from membranes, created only for entertainment, to special, carrying some kind of promise.
    09.01.2016 633 0
  • Art
    Draw a butterfly is not difficult if you split the whole process to the steps. The main difficulty lies in drawing symmetric parts, but following the instructions, you will handle this task.
    19.12.2014 1121 0
