How to draw with oil paints

How to draw with oil paints

If you have a huge desire to draw with oil paints, but you do not know how to trouble. Start learning to draw with oil paints is never late. You can always try and create your own masterpiece.

How to draw with oil paints - the choice of paints

In order to start drawing, first of all, you need to purchase oil paints. Selecting paints need to pay special attention. After all, the quality of the painting depends on both the aesthetics of the picture and the success of your learning, the question will be solved, whether you will draw painting with oil paintings. Do not chase discounts and sales, since there often sell poor-quality goods. At a minimum, it is necessary to purchase 7 paint tubes of the main colors. In the future, mixing various colors, you can get any other color.

How to draw oil paints - artistic instruments

For drawing with oil paints, we will need:

  • various brushes;
  • canvas;
  • palette knife;
  • palette;
  • solvent for paints.

Brushes are round, bristles, flat. It is advisable to purchase at least 3 brushes of each type, of different sizes. Note, natural brushes are softer, and synthetic coarse. Also, do not forget to prepare the mill with water for brushes and cloth.

How to draw oil paints - workplace

The workplace should be prepared so that you do not bother you, and it was comfortable to create. It is best for drawing to use easel, rather than the table. It is desirable to arrange where mostly natural lighting. It is better to draw in the fresh air, as the paint has a strong smell. If there is no such possibility, the room must be equipped with a window opening with a window or a balcony. Periodically you need to air the room. Molbert must adjust at a height of you. In the adjustment of the easel, it is worth considering your position, you will stand or sit. In order to not be staining the floor, it is desirable to be sealed with paper, polyethylene or cloth. Oil paints are deeply enhanced in the structure of the fabric, so we dress things that do not feel sorry to dye. If you have long hair, then they are best to brake or assemble in the tail, and for sure, put on the golk.

How to draw with oil paints - sketch

  • When creating a painting written by oil, it is desirable to start with a sketch. Work begins with layouts in a sheet. It is necessary to consider where the main semantic center will be.

  • It is necessary to decide on the color scheme. On the palette you can achieve the desired color. So how to get twice the same color when mixing two or more colors is almost unrealistic, then you need to prepare secondary paint on the whole drawing. Oil paint, which was not mixed with other colors, is called clean color. After creating a sketch, we start working with paints with paints.

  • Any drawing has a light source and shadow. To make the drawing become more realistic, you should put shadows, glare. It is necessary to determine which side the light falls in order to portray it in the picture. Rate a picture from the side, add missing accents.

How to draw oil paints - useful tips

  • The palette must be lubricated with oil so that it is soaked to them, otherwise it will absorb the oil that is in the colors.
  • Initially, you can properly dispose of the space on the palette, leave the middle for mixing the colors, on the left for color paints, right - bleel.
  • To get a brighter shade, add bleel.
  • To obtain a darker shade, you should add black paint.
  • In the course of drawing with paints, adhere to the main rule, first we paint with liquid paints, then thick, and in no way differently. If you do not adhere to this recommendation, then incorrect layers just crack when dried.
  • The layer of paint dries about three days. Do not rush to apply the following layer.
  • Mastichean can be drawing, for example, create a landscape.
  • If after work there is an extra paint, do not worry, you can save it. Place it in the jar, cover the film so that it does not dry.
  • After work, do not forget to pay due attention to the brushes. They need to be washed, otherwise they can be thrown out.
  • The finished picture needs to be lacquered.

It is not difficult to draw oil paints if you adhere to the above councils. Conquer the tops of your skill!

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