How to draw a city pencil

How to draw a city pencil

Draw a city - not a simple task. This requires certain skills and skills. Those who want to create such a picture should be read by phased instructions given below.

In order to get a panoramic image with a lot of details, you need to prepare for the fact that it will not work out perfectly immediately. In any, even a small town there are streets, trees, and at home. How to do without people? He should not look deserted. For those who do not know how to draw a person, there is another way out. You can depict them away. Or restrict ourselves to barely noticeable silhouettes in the rain drops.

The city is different. It is not completely captured in the figure. A beginner artist should choose one street, preferably with the main attraction. To the picture was alive, you need to add to the driving part of the machines. The city should look different, depending on the course of the year. A good artist is able to revive the picture. Make her such that the audience will feel both the beeps of cars, and the exclamations of people, and how snow falls or blows the wind.

What do you need? To create a masterpiece, only stocking with simple pencils of different thicknesses, rubber band and a ruler. Decide that it is best to draw. Some separate segment, part of the street, house.

The foreground will be filled with larger objects. In the background small, not so significant. The picture will visually remove the items that are located a little further down the street. The rules for creating prospects are also recommended to take into account. To mark in the figure, where and what will be, you should read the lines. It is advisable to make them the size that will correspond to the reduced drawing. There may be several trees on the street. And if it is a megapolis, which is even easier to draw, then in it trees will replace high skyscrapers and smaller houses.

The layout of houses is placed on the paper sheet. You do not need to immediately hold bold lines, which then it will be hard to erase. Parallel lines are connected to the house. In each house, the windows are drawn in each house. All buildings must be drawn in detail. Errors are allowed, because they can be erased. In order for the drawing to acquire a certain volume, panels, rear walls, shadow are drawn in the buildings. Considering the exact location of the floors, spend all straight lines. It doesn't matter how small the house will be small in size, all its details should look quite real.

After with the houses it is completed, you can go to green plantings. In the image of the tree or bush, the ruler will definitely not help, except for an approximate comparison of parameters. Depending on the level of the knowledge of the artist himself, the tree will be either drawn hard, with the bark, hollow, leafs on the branches, or it will remain a little drawn. The easiest way is to draw two parallel lines that end with half-hour. Bushes are as close as possible to homes or curbs, look like wavy clouds.

The city consists of shadows and seats. Part it will be much darker than that that is depicted ahead. A novice artist can choose two ways he will go:

  • The path of the smallest resistance is to choose a picture on the Internet, preferably black and white, and try redraw all that sees the eyes. Not necessarily start with photos. You can find both a picture, in the same black and white primitive style. Each time perverted landscape will get better, even more professional.
  • The second option is to feel like a real artist, and you can also cause interest to your art using the exit to the street. At first, the painter is determined with the place that will be depicted in the picture. Then takes a folding chair or just a rug, sits on the nearest bench and takes out a sheet of paper with pencils, rubber bands, line.
  • Significant the correct location of the objects on the street, the artist starts work.

Do not stop there. A purposeful person who wants to learn drawing, understands that this is a very long process. One tree can be drawn by hours, days and even weeks.

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