How to draw a ghost

How to draw a ghost

Our kids are always asked to teach them something - sing, dance, draw. Sometimes the flight of their fantasies is simply uncure, and the desires of the most different nature may arise. Let's see how to fulfill the next ridiculous and at the same time an interesting request of your child - learn to draw a ghost.

If the child asks you to something unusual, do not be surprised and do not deny it in this. This can be a joint game or just a fascinating time. Sometimes even adult it becomes interesting. It is desirable to translate their requests to "Good Notch", that is, if you draw a ghost, then it should be kindly bringing with a big smile.

So, proceed to the ghost drawing procedure. To do this, you can not do without:

  • Paper or tight cardboard;
  • Set of colored pencils or markers;
  • Erath;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Watercolor paints and tassels.

Discuss in advance with your child, with what you will apply the drawing, as well as its color gamut.

For a start, decide which drawing you need: either this is one ghost in the foreground, or a picture with several elements and the presence of bringing. It is also important to discuss with the baby whether he himself wants to first apply a sketch or just repeat you. This will help eliminate conflicts and disagreements. Sketch a simple pencil sketch. Consider all the wishes of the child, perhaps he sees some details in his own way. Be sure to use eraser to adjust your image and delete all the extra details.

First, draw a small circle for the head and spend the horizontal line on it. These elements will be "main". Circuit contours feltster or marker. Draw your eyes, spout and mouth. Now go to the Ghost Body Drawing, it can be a round element or other arbitrary shape. You can also draw handles of bringing wings or balls. At the end, clear your creativity with different bright colors or use a black and white gamut.

If you need to draw a picture with a ghost, then at first sketch the main details - for example, a house or forest, and then proceed to ghost. You may come up with tips from Internet resources where you can take an idea or some drawing elements. At the end, it is possible to unusually make a drawing in the form of a signature of a young artist or with the help of an interesting framework. Do not forget to praise your child for his works!

If your child loves to draw paints, do not deny him the pleasure - use them in your work. To do this, pick up the landscape and with the help of a simple pencil sketch. Moreover, it is important to draw carefully, because all the "errors" will immediately become visible after watercolor applying. Then cast paints with water and "revitalize" your drawing. Combine different colors so that your picture is bright and beautiful. Be sure to shake the brush every time the leaflet is not strong. When your drawing is finished, let him dry well. At the end, you carefully wipe all the places where the simple pencil line is visible. Now it's time to make an outline of bringing more brighter that your creation looks realistic.

The drawing with the lifting is gaining relevance to the Halloween holiday. After all, symbols on this day are pumpkins-lamps and ghost costumes. Many decorate their homes like drawings, so the appearance of the ghost is not something unusual.

So, you got a master class on drawing a ghost, and such requests of your children will not be put in a dead end. The above-described advice will help embody all fantasies into reality!

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