How to draw a cat as a child

How to draw a cat as a child

If your child asked to teach him to draw a cat, and you have no special talents to drawing or before you have never done this, do not hurry to disappoint the child with refusal, look like everything is simple!

For the first time, it is sufficient to draw a cat schematically. Start from the head, for this, you will show a circle, draw corners for the ears, then mark the nose and eyes, then mouth and mustache. Next, proceed to drawing the back and front paws. Do not forget about the tail. Here is your cat and ready, it remains to decorate it, you can ask for your child.

An older kids can be explained by the concept of proportions. The head of the cat should not be too big or small in relation to her body, the tail of the cat is long, almost in its entire growth. Tell your child how you can give a cat mood: mouth can be drawn with a smile opened from surprise, closed; Eyes can be widely revealed and depicting a thoughtful look, shifting pupils to the side, you can show how the cat will fool, squinting the eyes and pulling the tongue, the variants of the mass, the fantasy of the child is limitless.

The lying kitten will also do not work out. Denote heads and torso. Then paint the tail, paws, ears and muzzle. If your cat is in profile, explain to the child that the second eye and the second posterior paw is, but they are not visible - they are on the other side of the cat.

Girls may ask to portray their favorite heroine of the popular cartoon "Hello Kitty". Follow the scheme, and you all will certainly work out.

A realistic cat is somewhat more complicated. Pre-demonstrate the child several photos of real cats. Sharpen his attention on the details: what kind of cats have eyes, legs, which poses take a cat in life, how folds the paws and tail, wound up. Try to start to draw a cat from the photo, it is easier to observe the proportion.

Do not despair if you or your child did not work the first time. Support your child and demonstrate your confidence in the success of this undertaking. The creative process not only brings together people, but also allows you to understand the mood, condition and interests of your child

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