How to draw a snow maiden pencil stages

How to draw a snow maiden pencil stages

Soon the new year will come and you want to decorate your home, draw beautiful New Year cards, give gifts to all your relatives and friends. A gift made by your own hands is doubly appreciated. Therefore, to make a beautiful postcard with your own hands, you need to learn to draw the Snow Maiden.

How to draw a snow maiden step by step

To learn how to draw this fabulous character, prepare a sheet of white paper, a simple pencil and eraser.

And we will draw in stages:

  • do you know how the Snow Maiden looks like? This is a slim young girl, closed in a beautiful blue fur coat with a white fur. She has blue eyes and a long white braid. On the legs - beautiful boots, and on the head - a cute cap on the tone alongside;

  • start the drawing is always needed from the top of the object. In this case, is a head. Visually, it is necessary to divide the paper sheet into 4 zones and in the upper part in the middle of 2 squares designate the head contour with a pencil. Oval can be drawn both right and under a slight inclination;

  • after you painted your head, you need to mark 5 strokes at the height, so that it was later easier to navigate to draw limbs;

  • the next step - draw the body line: we carry out a thin line with a pencil from the chin down. We split thin strokes oval on 4 parts: we denote 2 lines of the cross;
  • now you can draw your eyes, leaning on the first horizontal line, the smile is drawn in the same way. Then go to the drawing of the body: delineate the contours of the body, having drawn the right-hand side of the body. We draw a leg so that the Snow Maiden is located in the floor of the turn. Draw a hip, although they will be hidden from views under the fur coat. But this stage does not miss to keep all the proportions of the female body;

  • we return to oval to draw more clear outlines of the eyes, draw the nose and complete the strokes, drawing the Kokoshnik. It should be located on the same level with the eyes of Snow Maiden;
  • the contours of the body are indicated, so you can paint the right hand and draw the contours of the fur coat. Do not forget that grandfather's grandparents grandparents in the mittens, so we draw a mittens, do not forget to draw fur on a mitch and fur coat, and then draw the details of the Kokosnik. We fell below to designate the height of Snow Maiden boots and come back to the drawing of parts. It is necessary to draw a braid, it should be slightly thicker than the girl's hand. If you do not like something at this stage, try erase the strokes and draw the contours of the body again to achieve ideal proportions;
  • we draw left hand and go to the decor of a suit girl. We draw patterns on the fur coat and kokoshnik, paint the paints or colored pencils of the sketch.

Learn the child to draw the Snow Maiden

Children, too, you can teach to draw the Snow Maiden, only it will be a little simplified drawing:

  • Visually draw a sheet of paper for 4 squares: in the middle in the upper segment you need to draw a pencil oval - it will be a head of Snow Maiden.
  • The next step is to draw the body.
  • The most difficult thing is to draw small details: hat, hands, collar, manice and braid.
  • When these details are ready - you can delete unfortunate, draw sponges, sponges and eyes Snow Maiden, and then paint the pencil sketch.

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