How to draw Crow

How to draw Crow

Crow - a seamless bird. In Japan, crows were noticed for incredible action. To split nuts, they put them under the wheels of cars standing near the traffic light. The crow can imitate the human voice and gives in training. Isn't a wonderful reason to try to portray this cerebbit bird on a sheet of paper?

We need to draw a clown from nature. No, of course, you do not have to run behind the corners in front of the house. Download and print any image from the Internet. So it will be easier for you to work. Choose a simple angle.

We start drawing from the head. Draw an oval, inside which "knock out" an eye. After that, try to copy the beak crows from the photos. The main thing is to carefully look at live bird. Spend a line from the beak down, mark the neck.

We proceed to drawing the body of the croron. To start, make an outline with a pencil. The body of the bird in the form reminds oval. If it is easier for you, then draw a big oval from the neck.

So we got to the paws. Start pouring ravens from the part that is closer to the body. Further draw "fingers" and claws.

Now we have to divide the crow to the colors: black and gray. To do this, draw long restrictive lines that will help you understand where you should draw black feathers, and where is gray.

We begin to paint our bird on the zones. Start with feathers on the back. Start drawing a features on your head. Your movements of the pencil should be a little chaotic so that the bird does not work perfectly smooth.

The beak and head of the crows are black. In order not to merge everything, try less pressure with a pencil in the beak area. Break the tail of the crows in black (top). Go to the paws. Do not forget about the light and shadow.

Now the most interesting begins. Take a simple pencil and draw feathers. See in which direction feathers grow in crows at different parts of its body. Add dark colors in the head area. Draw "folds" on the beak and near the eye, pressing stronger on a black pencil.

Now connect the imagination. So that the crow did not hang in the air, draw a branch. You can draw the leaves of trees, at home, etc.

After this lesson, you will not be difficult to draw ravene. Experiment with the poultry position. After you manage to draw a crows sitting on a branch, draw it in flight or playing with comrades.

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