How to draw a peacock

How to draw a peacock

Thanks to small tips and templates, you can easily teach your child to draw different animals. More often, arrange "gatherings" with your child behind a white sheet of paper with colored pencils. It develops the logic, a child's motorcy and helps learn this world, believe in miracles.

Peacock is a beautiful bird that amazes the beauty of her bright tail and graceful gait. After visiting the zoo, you will certainly want to portray peacock. To help him in this, be patient, connect the fantasy and proceed to drawing.

Easy way to draw peacock

Imagine that peacock consists of geometric shapes. Head, torso, tail - these are ovals. Start with them. Paws are rectangles and triangles. In the end, dorisite the wing, the beak in the form of a triangle and a hokholok. The resulting image may not look like a bird, but will give you to understand your child drawing sequence and exemplary forms of a living being. It would be nice to have an image of a real peacock before your eyes.

Draw a peacock with a loose tail

To draw a peacock with a flushed tail, just follow the previous algorithm. "Enjoy" our peacock on geometric shapes and lines. Following the figure below, you can easily explain to the baby how to draw a peacock.

Unusual Peacock Drawing Method

We will now need paint (watercolor, gouache) and a brush. We take the palm of the child and paint her paint tassel. Next, the child imprints it on a sheet of white paper. The silhouette will resemble a distantly peacock with a flipped tail. Testing the brush of the beak, legs, eyes. Optionally, you can paint the tail of the tail. Peacock is ready!

How to draw Pavlin - Council №1

During peacock drawing, do not limit the child in choosing paints. Be sure to pay attention to the color gamut of the picture. If you see a lot of gloomy colors, then hint the baby that it would be nice to add bright stains. Never tell the child, for example, that there are no "orange" peacocks. Come up with a small story on the go, how the world became orange because of the peacock, which accidentally spilled orange paint. The child will be able to continue his drawing by adding an orange house, an orange mouse or a dog into it.

How to draw Pavlin - Council №2

If you are in the process of studying the alphabet with the child, then be sure to use the peacock for this purpose. The child will be able to learn the letters of P - A - B - L - N. Use the tail of this bird to study the numbers. Drawing, for example, two flies, ask the baby to try two more, then three and so up to ten.

Drawing is an entertaining process that gives parents and children a good mood. Through Drawing Peacock, you can train your child with geometric pieces, alphabet, account. The main thing is to be interested in the process. If possible, connect and dad to drawing. Make everything with humor, laugh and enjoy.

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