How to draw elephant

How to draw elephant

The elephant is one of the largest animals on the planet. Its large dimensions, ears and fangs are harder to recreate on paper than it may seem right away. Thick straight legs of the elephant are relatively easy to draw, even easier than a horse. Today you will learn how to correctly depict the animal and which is a sequence of drawing an elephant with a simple pencil.

First, draw the main contours of the elephant body. Outline a large circle in the middle of your sheet of paper. This will serve as the basis for the body of an elephant. On the right side, add a small circle for the head. Next, proceed to the drawing of the curved line of the elephant neck. Then add two oval, from which we will make the legs of the animal.

Now you need to make a shared outline of an elephant figure. Draw a long curved line from the head. It will serve as the basis of the animal. Leave the body of the elephant for time, and go to the image of two small ovals, which will subsequently become legs.

Now we need to fully draw the outline of the animal legs. Start drawing sketches of four elongated ovals. Add minor details to these figures - they will serve as an elephant foot. You can make one bent foot, as it can be seen in the picture.

Now we need to create an approximate form of an elephant. To do this, we will add to our previously drawn lines for the body, body and legs of our animal. We must define the contours of each part of the body.

The next step will begin to depict the head and the body of the elephant in the details. Finished work on the ear. Calculate its size in such a way that the ear reaches the upper leg and occupied half the body of the elephant. Make the torso more round. Add eyes in the middle of the head. Line Couple head and torso. From it I draw animal fangs. Make rounded themes of your elephant. Pay attention to his legs and do not forget to draw the tail.
After you almost finished drawing a step by step an animal, depict the skin. It should have large wrinkles or small folds in some places.
If you have any difficulties with wrinkle, look close to your hand or elongated fingers for better presentation of the upcoming work.

Now you can make various shades in the drawing. We make darker distant parts of the body and legs of an elephant. In addition, shadowing the joints on the parts of the body, making your drawing more realistic. Apply the desired shades, your drawing will gain instant plasticity. We think that at this moment your first picture is ready, and you got the desired skills to draw yourself any elephant.

There are several ways to draw a mighty animal, so look even to one.

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