How to draw Mishk

How to draw Mishk

To learn how to draw well, it is not necessary to take anatomy lessons and sit on textbooks for hours, because the most important thing is to just draw. Learn to paint the bear in stages, and then try yourself.

Draw a future muzzle: a circle, divide it vertically in half, and horizontally where there will be eyes. Do not worry that the lines are uneven, it does not matter.

Now our bears will have ears, nose and mouth. Draw the face from the eye line, and the ears on the sides at your discretion.

The bear torso will consist of two identical circles. Do not draw them small, all the same Bear is a large animal.

Draw a framework of future paws. From the bottom it will be wands of a zigzag form, and on top of a stick with circles, since the paws of the bear on top are very massive.

Draw eyebrows, eyes and nose. Do it better strokes to emphasize the wool. Eyes should be slightly higher than the horizontal line, and not be very large.

Now add wool on the muzzle, the mouth line. Draw ears.

Continue draw wool in a circle drawn early. From the ears to the major circle, draw new lines of the withers.

Circle the second round with strokes. See how paws are drawn: you just need to circle a circle, and then retreat several centimeters from sticks and continue to circle. Draw claws.

Last lines remained. Strip paws and dorisite claws. Add multiple cells in the lower circle to add an amount of the figure.

Your bear is ready. Optionally, stitch the whole image and try to draw it yourself again.

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