How to draw Pikachu

How to draw Pikachu

Make the first steps in the visual art is not always easy and simple. It often happens that after the first unsuccessful attempt, the desire to draw disappears for a long time, and sometimes forever. So that this does not happen, you should begin your first drawing from your favorite hero, a simple pencil, with the help of more experienced artists skills. In this article we will draw a very popular character of the pokemon animated series - Pikachu. And facilitating the first attempts of a novice artist will help us in gradual steps of forming a drawing of a fun hero.

We make sketches of body and head contours. As a rule, multiplication heroes have a wider head, but in short to the body.

We draw mischievous ears: one - horizontally, the other is vertically. We add small, pointed legs. We plan facet with crossed lines on your head. This will further help correctly depict the elements of the face.

Pikachu is a very pleasant and charming character. It has a memorable appearance. This must be displayed in the picture. We make two smooth circles on the horizontal line, at an equal distance from the vertical feature - it will be funny eyes. With a slightly noticeable inverted triangle, in the center of crossed lines form a small nose. We draw a smile in the form of two tails aimed at different sides, tips up. Add two round fun buns.

Carefully consider the drawing to comply with the proportions on the face and the general proportions of the body. If necessary, correct the disadvantages. If everything is fine, we erase all auxiliary and extra lines. We get this sketch:

With the help of a soft simple pencil, stroking eyes, ears tips. To give the hopping of the character's image, we leave not painted glare in pupils. Some seats are slightly plotted as shown in the figure. To do this, first make out the contours of the shadows, and then the dimming pencil.

The proposed picamach drawing lesson is very simple. If your drawing is not similar to the image of our picking, you need to go back to the first step and verify each stage of drawing separately, correcting the mistakes made.

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