How to draw a vase

How to draw a vase

Still life - an image of non-living items. It is difficult to imagine a beautiful still life without a vase. They are a variety of forms - from rectangular to cone-shaped, with handles and without, transparent and no. The principles of drawing of all types of vessels are very similar. Consider the main stages of drawing vase.

Any item has a center, so we draw the axial line - the center line. It will help control the symmetry of the subject.

We indicate the boundaries of the subject, in our case - vases, transverse lines. Visually divide Vaza in half also a transverse line.

Where the width of the neck is changing, too, draw a line.

Vase is a round form in order to correctly draw it to "build it": ovals will help to convey the volume of round shape. In order to draw them, put the points - borders. We connect these points to the ovals.

When the ovals were outlined, connect the points, so the perfect shape of the vase is obtained.

We wash unnecessary parts of circles and axial lines.

Vase is almost ready to give it the volume of stitching only those areas where the shadow falls. For beginners it is difficult. After all, a little shifted an angle of view - the shadow plots also changed their position. But there is a simple solution - if the light source (window or lamp) is on the left, then the shadow is located on the right. And, on the contrary, the light pours on the right - the shadow is drawing on the right. Remember that the darkest shadow in the figure is outside the item falling from it.

Latest touches: You need to position on the opposite part of the vase, but they should be lighter, the so-called one. But with a visible neck, the situation is the opposite - more darke the left side (as an example). So the drawing looks more believable.

Having considered the simple steps of drawing a vase, you can easily repeat and draw your small masterpiece. Recall that we passed the steps of drawing VAZ in a realistic manner, but no one cancels your fantasy and creativity by any selected style. After all, besides still lifes, you can portray a vase of an unusual form, give an interesting coloring or texture. Or maybe want to assemble a whole collection of VAZ and other items on one sheet?

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