How to draw owl

How to draw owl

Since ancient times, mysterious abilities have been attributed to the owls. Because of the night lifestyle, many nations considered it an intermediary between the day and night. The indigenous people of North America owls were worshiped as defenders of people from grief and trouble. Consider simple ways to draw this magic bird.

So, before proceeding to drawing, consider the owl very carefully. If you have seen it at least once, never confuse with another bird. What is so noteworthy owl? First of all, she has big eyes and head, sharp ears, a hook-shaped rhombid beak, located on a flat muzzle, claws, fluffy feathers around the eyes and large feathers by body.

Before the start of drawing, prepare a sheet of white paper, a simple pencil and eraser. Let's proceed. The body of the owls has an oval form, so first draw oval. Now I will show your head. As you remember, the owl head is quite large, so its size should be at least a third of the size of the body. Draw an oval trapeze.


Add details to the picture. We draw the average line on the trapezium, I will postpone two beam from the center, thus planning the place of future ears and beak. Denote the inverted drop of the wing, from which they will make a rectangle tail. Neatly eraser seat rate marked in the dotted line.


We continue to add details. Draw ears, we conceive the position of the eyes and beak. We will put the drawn owl on the pennies. You can portray the fence or branch of the tree. Do not forget to draw paws and claws. Owl - Painting Bird!


Finish the drawing. Draw large feathers on the tail and wing. We depict a fluffy rim around the face, we make it expressive by adding a couple of wrinkles. Draw a big round pupil. We indicate claws. Owl is ready!

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If you took a pencil for the first time or want to teach to draw a child owl, use the following way. It is very simple and does not require detail. The main thing, do not forget: a flat head, big eyes and ears.


Do not despair if you do nothing from the first time. Continue practicing, and success will be provided to you. Remember that for owls you can come up with many stylized image methods, because this bird has special, inherent in external data only.

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