How to draw a swan

How to draw a swan

Swan is a sign of loyalty and purity. Drawing gentle and dedicated swans gives one pleasure! We offer phased drawing for novice artists! To begin with the following tools:

  • Simple fulfilled pencil.
  • Erasing gum.
  • White sheet of paper.

How to draw a swan floating on the waves

  • We draw a bleached torso - depict oval, by the end of the figure sharpend the tip, this is the birth of the bird's tail.
  • Position at the top of the drawing a neat little swan head, leaving the distance for an elegant neck.
  • The neck of the Swan thinner towards the head and increases with a beautiful bend to the body.
  • Draw a beak, with the help of it the bird is powered by, it should be sharp.
  • With the help of the scheme, we got the outlines of the swan figure, now to get a beautiful silhouette erase all unnecessary lines of erasing rubber.
  • Wings of the Swan consist of layers of feathers, denote by their triangles.
  • The tail of the swan is his pride! We raise up a feathers, remove unnecessary lines.
  • Smooth lines separate the part of the head for small peeshes.
  • Draw beautiful wings of the swan with wave-like lines, giving them a pomp. Draw splashing waves in which the swan is splashing.

How to draw a swan from numbers 2

  • Figure 2 is similar to its bend on the long neck of the swan, try to make a smooth bend extension to the bottom.
  • From the beginning of the curl, we carry out the parallel line, repeating the first bending with accuracy. Our neck is ready! Draw a small eyeball, from the center, bend at an angle down the straight line, which will be the beginning of the beak swan.
  • We begin to form the silhouette of wings than the beautiful wave will be, the volume will be the wing at the swan.
  • The most interesting part of the work came up - draw beautiful feathers on the wings of the swan, depicting them as much as you wish. Behind the wing designate a small tail, raised up.
  • Testing your head - Draw a circle on the eye, decorating the underlined eyeliner. The beak is drawing with a bulk triangle with wavy edges, stripped with short small strokes of the connection line.
  • Final part - Dorisite the leg of the swan, draw the remaining feathers and draw the waves, depicting small strokes to the light of them on them.

How to draw a swan with a dove

In the center of the sheet, draw a horizontal and vertical axis that will serve as a mirror reflection. Drawing figures on one axis, completely display a copy to another.

  • Schematically depict the torso and head in the form of an oval and a circle.
  • Arc the lines connect the head and torso, duplicated all the shapes on both sides.
  • Draw wings with swans by lifting them upwards, depicting your kind "Outside Heart". Round the contour of the body, and under the wings, you will show sharp tails.
  • Will erase lines interfering with the compound of wings and torso.
  • Draw feathers swans and mark the beak, make it a book in the form of a smile.
  • The axis can be erased. Dorify the lower row of wings with smooth triangles, draw eyes and finish the formation of the beak.
  • Kuvuki Swan "Put" on the upper edges of the heart. Draw a light outline of water.

If you wish, you can paint the resulting drawings with paints, colored handles or wovers. The beauty of these amazing birds will emphasize the stroke of the contour with sequins!

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