How to draw protein

How to draw protein

After walking on the autumn forest, your baby wanted to draw a squirrel, and you and you have no idea where to start? Then this small master class is designed for you!

To start, take the following tools:

  • pencil simple (low-fat);
  • erasing gum;
  • feltolsters or color pencils (can be watercolor or gouache);
  • white paper sheet.

To start drawing, decide on the plot of the pattern. Squirrel on a tree? Protein collects stocks for winter or just runs through the autumn forest? If the plot is clear, then it's time to start work.

How to draw a squirrel with mushroom

Imagine that the protein decided to go to visit her friend a hedgehog and grab hotels with me. Autumn - season of mushrooms, so we draw a squirrel with a mushroom in hand. Following this simple scheme, your child will quickly learn to draw this wonderful animal. Connect fantasy, draw clouds, sun, birds and hedgehog itself.

How to draw a squirrel sitting on a tree

Imagine that we saw the squirrel on the branch. Draw this animal is easy, the main thing is to follow the following scheme. Pay attention not only to the protein, but also its habitat. Let the child draw a forest or a park, a lot of trees, because the squirrel loves to travel.

How to draw a squirrel who is going to jump from the branch

Protein is not sitting in place. This movable and agile animal moves very quickly. Imagine that the protein from the tree saw on the ground of the nuts and it urgently needs to run behind him. Let the child try to draw a bouncing from the branch protein along this simple scheme.

How to draw a squirrel with a cartoon "Ice Age"

Many children loved this funny squirrel from the "Ice Age". To draw it, the child will need your help, because this is an unusual animal.

Start from the head, then go to the drawing of the body. At the very end, drew the tail and acorn.

How to draw any squirrel

To draw a protein, you need to present it in the form of geometric shapes. Head and legs - circles, and body and tail - triangles. Below you will see a universal scheme that you get to draw any squirrel.

Experiment with the child. Through the drawing of the protein you can learn easily the letters of the B-E-L-K and A. Connect the fantasy, invent funny stories to engage the kid in the process.

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