How to draw dinosaur

How to draw dinosaur

Dinosaurs are terrestrial animals inhabited on our planet 150 million years ago. Around them still run legends and incredible stories, forcing people more and more interested in the origin of this species. Draw an animal, passing and retaining his original appearance is an amazing thing, our article will help you with it!

1) how to draw an adult dinosaur

  • The first thing to draw the "frame" of the animal - the main part of the head is meant under the circle, and under the oval of the dinosaur body.
  • Also schematically draw straight lines on the place of the leg and long tail, serving in the air with an animal steering wheel.
  • Now you can safely attach the framework. As we know, the skin of the dinosaur is dense, not even, draw all the lines, as in the figure, retaining the most natural look. Jaw draw open, with irregularities for future fangs.

  • Draw the tail with smooth lines, draw predatory paws with sharp nails and mark the drawing of rough scales on them.
  • Remove the auxiliary lines and decorate the head of the animal with the eye with a large century, descending the ends down.

  • We begin to make a torso - chest and belly at the amphibian massive, highlight enough space for it.
  • From the back of the leg, mark the muscles, bends and pattern of skin. Separate the face from the neck with uneven lines, here you can not output, the more careless it turns out, the realistic will look.

  • Award the dinosaur with sharp teeth, not forgetting that behind the biggest cutters.
  • Small strokes depict multiple folds on the body of the animal. Our drawing is ready!

  • We decided to paint it, and that's what we did!

How to draw a small dinosaver

The kids 4-5 years old are interesting to deal with parents, learn and know the new one. Draw with your chance a fabulous dinosaur, telling during the classes about the history of the mysterious animal.

  • The basis of a dinosaur, consisting of a circle with an oval, the child may well draw himself, connecting his head and torso with a smooth breast, we obtain half the picture.
  • Denote the soft lines of the face.
  • Pouring young horns of the younger animal, curious eye and face of the face with nostrils.
  • Cook the neck and torso with a solid wavy line, draw a peeling paw with folds.

  • Rear front paws depict a powerful one, from which the tummy hangs.
  • Draw the support back leg and elongated tail. Remove the extra lines and mark the muscles.
  • Our fabulous hero is ready! Let the child paint the dragon by choosing a palette at wisdom.

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