Ballerina is the embodiment of refinement and grace at every ballet "Pa". Therefore, sometimes it is difficult to realize all the painstaking and incredibility of labor invested in the dance, from which it is impossible to tear the eye. In order to keep memories of him for a long time, you can capture the most beautiful moment on paper - dancing ballerina. If you follow step-by-step instructions, such a task is for both an adult and a child.
How to draw a ballerina - the first sketches of the drawing
To make a picture of the natural proportions of a person, you need to draw the contour of the future silhouette, adhering to the rules for the ratio of all parts of the body. To do this, draw an oval in the middle of the sheet, which is slightly tilted down from the left side, while the left side do sharp.
Next, draw two foot lines that touch the floor, the torso line with a head in the form of a circle. Now dorisite two lines of hand: one - down, the other is up.

How to draw a ballerina - give the primary lines with a volumetric form
Now it's time to "revive" the appearance of the ballerina. Emphasize the shoulder line and draw a narrow waist. Now apply the false shape lines.
Note that the ballerina is thin enough, so try to depict parts of the body are not too lush.

How to draw a ballerina - Dorisite hands and feet ballerina
Draw hands, repeating all the bends. Then proceed to the end of drawing legs - output with a pencil of your knees and slender legs. Now depict the stand on the socks, considering that in the final version of the ballerina will be in pointes.

How to draw a ballerina - remove unnecessary patterns
With the help of an eraser, we will erase all sketches for which the drawing is drawn. At this stage, the ballerina is practically ready. It is only necessary to draw palms with neat fingers. And then proceed to the creation of the face of the dancer.

How to draw a ballerina - Draw a ballerina's face
This stage may be the most difficult if there are no skills of the artist. In this case, it is not worth the upset, it is quite real.
If you draw a large silhouette of the ballerina with close-ups, all elements of the face must be depicted in more detail. To do this, divide the oval of faces into four sections with two lines. This will help draw eyes and the nose is proportional. And if you make a small image without detail, we will completely come down by common strokes of eyebrows, mouth and nose.
The ballerina's hairstyle is always laid in the form of a smoothly laid beam, so they dorisinate only a thin hair outline on the head.

How to draw a ballerina - shut-off touches
To the picture become more believable, you need to draw and decorate the dancer's outfit and with a softer pencil draw shadows on the silhouette.
Draw a strongly tightened corset with a deep neckline. Add decorations in the form of embroidery or rhinestones. Also draw light air sleeves and pointes with strings. In the end, the whole drawing of smooth strokes.
Make sure that you did not miss any detail, for example, did not forget to try your ears or ties on the shoes. Optionally, you can add the floor in the picture, and the blurred appearance of the scenery in the background.

According to such a scheme, you can draw not only a wonderful ballerina, but an adorable princess or an ordinary girl.