How to draw a deer

How to draw a deer

The beauty and grace of belly deer admires not only children, but also adults. The color of the woolen cover of the animal adapts to each season. In the spring and in the summer months it has a red-brown color, and in the fall and winter - grayish brown. An animal has a white tail that raises with danger, for which it got its name. As a rule, males are much larger than females. New male horns begin to perform through the skin after dropping the old. This lesson offers simple instructions that will help draw a deer. Finely following six steps, you can portray the horned animal in a couple of hours.

Body base. Apply in the middle of a piece of medium size. Add several lanes inside (face blank). To the left, draw more more for the abdomen and two curved lines attached to it. This will be the basis for the body. Picture semicircular blanks for horns on the head.

We form a person. At this stage, we draw an elongated face of the animal, form ears and eyes. Now the image should be like Lama.

Feet of animal. We begin to throw the shape of the rear legs, leaning on a simple line, starting with the middle of the larger circle and until the end of the sheet. Foot sketch, which adjoin each other, form from the shoulder and down. Raise your head and sketch of the nose and ears. Start drawing branching horns.

Draw a white tail tail. Now proceed to detail in the neck, abdomen and tail. We determine the shape of the skull and increase a little nose. Draw the tail that will be long and thick. Observe the lining of the appearance of two tones.

We form a torso. We work with bone feet of hips in the upper and lower back, make a sketch for hidden back legs. We plan a spine that will go down between two pelvic bones to the tail. Purify him. Draw the nose and shape of the neck.

Add horns. Start the formation of horns. Please note that they are homogeneous and covered with soft wool. The form of their beautiful, branched. Testing the legs of the animal.

The result of your work. Your drawing is ready. Isn't he gorgeous? Now you can decorate it or leave as it is. You decide.

As you can see, portray the graceful animal is quite simple if you follow all stages of work.
Another method of drawing a deer we offer in this video.

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