How to draw a rooster

How to draw a rooster

In December, together with frost and snowstorms, the most cheerful and beloved holiday is in a hurry - New Year. According to the Eastern calendar, 2017 will be held under the symbol of red rooster - birds are strict, serious, but fair. Want to succeed, health, happiness settled in your home? Back the rooster - draw the fiery owner of the coming year and place a picture under the Christmas tree next to Santa Claus.

How to draw a rooster - the first option

The drawing is performed by a pencil, even a preschooler will cope with such work with such work. Take a sheet of paper, pencil, eraser, a postcard with a root (for clarity).

  • In the center of the sheet, the circle (head), in it - a small circle (eye). On the left side of the Big Circle, draw two closed triangles - nose. From above head, three adjacent semi-windows, make a scallop. Under the beak, lower the bird's beard droplet.

  • Down from the head Spend two parallel lines - one start from the bottom of the beard, the second - with the head of the rooster, so you indicate the neck. Ends of lines Connect a smooth wavy feature. Bird's housing sketch with a crescent, the back of which close the ripples of the tail, similar to the narrow leaves of Ivan tea.

  • Note on the body wing, spending a segment, symmetrical lines of the abdomen. We grow up with a pencil, symoting sticking and sticking. Drop the two perpendicular from the body down - future paws, draw four fingers with curls. The drawing is ready, on request it can be painted with colored pencils and write congratulations on the holiday.

How to draw a rooster - the second option

The complicated option at which the bird turns out more plausible as living.

It will take: a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, paint.

  • Draw a small circle that will be a head of a rooster. In it, mark the eye, depict the beak, the deposited neck, focusing on our drawing. Make a sketch of the body by spending straight rays from the neck. Separate the angles with sedimal outlines, define the wing line.

  • On the head, snew the comb, under the beak hang the earrings. Recover the vertical hatching of the rooster feathers on the neck and back. Draw paws in shaggy pants, with three cross-step fingers and one rear spur. Highlighting the tail of the tail and slightly at the head of the head.

  • You can leave the drawing like that of the soft hatching body of the rooster or paint the bird with a bright watercolor.

How to draw a rooster - the third option

The basis of such a picture will serve whether circles, ovals, semi-windows.

  • Spend the horizontal line in the middle of the sheet, output from it half colon. Below, describe two small, located on each other half-liters - future paws. Raise the pencil up, donate to the right and depict your head with a circle, from which you spend two beams to the horizontal line - the bird's neck will turn out.
  • Draw a wing in the form of an ellipse on the torso. Add the spout triangle, Borodka Visulka, a round eye.
  • Make a large half-round in the left upper part - a beautiful fluffy tail will be released from it. Then make a comb, paws in lochmatic shorts, feathers on the side wing. Circuit the rooster contour with a black marker and paint the bird at its discretion with markers or paints.

As you understood, depicting the rooster is easy. The main thing is to follow our advice and paint with the soul, then the wise bird will be your talisman and will protect you all year.

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