How to draw a cow

How to draw a cow

More than 9 millennia ago, people domesticated a cow, and the animal became a crumine for a person, giving a tasty and healthy drink - milk. In gratitude for this, it took poems about the cow, songs, epics and called her affectionately - a storm. To this day, dairy products - sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt love children and adults, and good cow is a character of many stories, fairy tales, cartoons. If your child after watching the film wanted to draw a cow - help him using our advice.

How to draw a cartoon cow

You are not difficult to portray the cartoonbreaker, prepare - pencil, eraser, paper, markers and start:

  • in the center of the sheet, describe the horizontal oval - the future head of the animal. Return a little down and outline ellipse - the base of the body. Connect with straight rays both figures, scoring into the upper small oval;

  • combine the smooth lines of the transition of two circles. Unnecessary backlight and get sketch, resembling a white mushroom;

  • at the bottom to the body, attach two legs, similar to the neck of the plastic bottle with a swirling plug. From the left side of the body, spend the two curves of the line, connecting them at the ends of the bracket, from the right - lower them down and also combine - the upper limbs turned out. In the center of the abdomen, notice the circle - it will be udder;

  • on the head, draw the protrusions-horns and ears, poured birch leaves. Make out of three circles that are part of each other. Pull the horizontally oval - the place of the nose, hover the nostrils in the form of two vertical ellipses. Next - to make four hook on the tummy and get udder;

It is interesting (Tell the child): It is proved that the lines on the nose of the cow are also individual as the fingerprints of the fingers of a person.

  • swipe a line-smile, dictate pupils, lower the cilia, enter the heads on the head between the horns. Cut down the hooves, and make a foamblock, scattering marks around the animal;

  • on the neck, swing a smooth line parallel to the head of the head, in the middle of which you draw the bell, similar to the tilted tulip bud. Color the figurine with markers, pickup color at its discretion.

How to draw a cow - recommendations for small artists

We will draw this cow with ovals and circles. Take paper, pencils - simple, brown, pink, gel pen, knee.

  • Sketch on the landscape sheet of oval-torso, from it to the left pull out a small vertical ellipse with a transverse line. From oval down, lower the two pairs of hare paws - the legs of the burenki.

  • On the head of the animal two semi-lines, pull the ears, between them put the triangular figures - horns. Make the eyes with the mugs, nostrils, scatter oval spots on the body of the cow and put a semicircle near the right ears.

  • Turn the caustion from the bottom of the body - a figure similar to an inverted sail, lower the back of the cow down the two parallel lines ending with a flower - tail. Circuit the drawing with black ink and color the udder donkey and dignity of the ears, horns and tail tip Make brown, and the specks are black.

How to draw a funny cow

Take a pencil, paper, paints and follow our instructions.

  • In the middle of the sheet, paint a small protrusion hormick, to it from below, move the shape similar to the beaholine. Pull the ray smile, put two commas - nostrils, above - black eyes-eyes.

  • Draw a bang with a carved leaflet, sticking sauildings, ears, horn horn, make a torso, similar to a circle with a cut-off top.

  • Write four inverted letters n - legs, uplift a thin tail with a chamomile tassel at the tip.

  • Mouse over the spot and color your work with paints.

Did you like to draw? Then it is a little fluttering a little - make a burenk in the neck, hang her the bell on the neck, paint the funny ditch, the midges, curly behind the tail and - the fun picture is ready.

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