How to draw a princess frog

How to draw a princess frog

Tsarevna-frog - enchanted Vasilisa to dispense, which the bony wagon turned into a frog. In the plot of Arrow, Ivan Tsarevich falls into the swamp directly in the paws of the frog and she becomes his wife. Magic fairy tale with good and evil characters, written by a living spoken language, like children, and they are trying to draw the main character - the princess-frog. Help them in this using our tips.

How to draw a princess frog - sketch

You will need an album, a simple pencil, a beat, a ruler.

  • Divide the sheet of paper into four segments by spending two perpendicular lines centered.
  • In the top of the leaflet, slightly above the place of intersection of the rays, take the head of the cake - a small oval. The vertical axis must divide it in half.
  • Turn the body to the head - the vertically stretched out the vertical. He must capture the place of crossing four auxiliary lines and, as it were, having faltered a torso, making it like a white mushroom.

How to draw a princess frog - make up lower limbs

In our idea, the cuckoo should sit on a sheet of pita, so, first, make the sketch of the lower legs folded on the sides of the Taurus.

  • Spend arcs-lines from the top of the largest oval to the bottom and take the middle of the paws. Along the way, explain to the child that the frogs have two pairs of extremities. The hind legs are long and strong, with their help the animal with jumps moves in natural conditions, while the front, short - protect it from hitting the Earth.
  • Picture refigble paws, fingers with a wavy contour. Will erase the auxiliary mark, you no longer need it.

How to draw a princess frog - revive the face

On the fairy tale at the frog smart face with great expressive eyes.

  • On a small oval, closer to the middle line, outset two circles, elongated vertically - eyes. Make pupils, eyelids with long eyelashes, because the character is a woman, although turned into a dummy creature.
  • What princess without a mysterious smile? Stretch the horizon of the first oval laughing sponges, lifting their corners up to the cheeks. Note two mug of funny nose with two circles.

How to draw a princess frog - depict the upper limbs

The turn of the paws is:

  • make the first handle so - pull up two parallel lines, with a gap equal to the thickness of the paw. Complete them with palm enchanted frog girl raised in a welcoming gesture;
  • draw the second limb. Also, only the lines are driven down, where the claws of the fingers on the opened membrane rest in the ground;
  • put on the cake of the crown, placing her in the middle of the head over his eyes;
  • tsarevna is almost ready, it remains to put her arrow in his hands. Draw an arrow, the edge of which is directed upwards, and the overall part presses the frog.

To give a fabulous character, put a frog on a leaf of the pitchers, pull the drawing with paints, gouache or floters. See, what kind of beauty did you get? The groom is sitting waiting - Ivan-Tsarevich will come, and the fairy tale will go to her to do a good finale.

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