Winter is the time of miracles! Thoughtful parents call their kids, we begin to create. Today we draw pencils of your favorite heroes of the winter holiday Grandpa Frost and his granddaughter Snow Maiden.
How to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - Step 1
To draw a New Year's drawing, we will need:
- Paper.
- Pencils.
Best start with the sketch of signal lines of the Snow Maiden. At this stage, the contour of the future character is set. I pay a circle, it will be head. We also indicate the eye line. Over your head I draw the cozernik and spend the line for the braid of the Snow Maiden. We indicate where there will be handles, legs, as well as make sketches of the fur coat.
How to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - Step 2
Next to the Snow Maiden Draw the contour of Santa Claus. In the same way as the Snow Maiden, start drawing from the head. Next, we indicate the eye line, below the head - the beard. We depict Tulup and sleeves.
How to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - Step 3
I dial oval faces, chin Snow Maiden. Santa Claus give luxurious mustache and draw the chin, the faces.
How to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - Step 4
Now we will deal with the heads of the characters. Grandfather draw a gorgeous hat with a lush fur, and the granddaughter is an elegant kokoshnik, who decorate snowflakes.
How to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - Step 5
It is time to emphasize the advantages of our characters. Draw a saob and a thick beard of Santa Claus, and the Snow Maiden hair with a stunningly long oblique. Do not forget to decorate the braid charming bow.
How to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - Step 6
At this stage of creating a drawing, we draw a fur coat. The grandfather is drawing a fur hem, and the girl has a collar.
How to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - Step 7
Now I teach my santa Claus on the waist belt. Snow Maiden on a fur coat add butt, and also decorate snowflakes.
How to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - Step 8
Snow Maiden I pay lush sleeves framed by fur. From under the sleeves draw on the handles of the mittens.
How to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - Step 9
Well, what about the bag with gifts? At this stage, we depict a bag with gifts behind the back of Santa Claus, as well as hands in the mittens.
How to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - Step 10
The very last step is the image of the face. Draw from the characters eyes, spouts, mouths, cheeks, eyebrows. After that, we wash all unnecessary lines. It remains for small - to paint with bright colors. Shub and hat at Santa Frost red with white fur. Also red paint gloves, boots, bag and nose. At the Snow Maiden coat blue with white fur. Blots apart Kokoshnik, mittens, boots, bow. Spit has wheat color. Everything, drawing is ready. Happy Holidays!