Complete letters do it yourself

Complete letters do it yourself

Increasingly, elements of the decor in the style of Hand-Maid are found in modern interiors. One of the fashionable innovations of steel volumetric letters, Which are independent decoration or add up in compositions from different words. In this article, let's talk how to make volumetric letters with your own hands to decorate the interior.

How to make volumetric letters from textiles?

The easiest way to create a wonderful decoration for the house, with which any woman will cope, is to sew letters from textiles. This direction is especially fashionable in families where there are small children. Moms needlewoman sewing for their karapuza whole names from bulk soft letters. After, these decor elements can be actively used as sofa or floor pillows.

To make volumetric letters from textiles, you need to do the following:

  1. Select fabric. It can be chosen under the overall interior of the room or become a bright accent, different from the stylistics of the room.
  2. From the cardboard you need to make stencil letters that are planning to do.
  3. Stencil applied to fabric and circle.
  4. It should not be cut on the conducted lines, but by retreating from them by 1.5-2 cm. It should also be taken into account that outrigging a stencil, the second part should be made mirror.
  5. Sew two halves. This can be made by an ordinary needle with a thread or strain the lines of a sewing machine.
    In one place leave the hole.
  6. Through it fill the letter with cotton or any other filler. Gently sew.

How to make volumetric letters from cardboard?

For the manufacture of volumetric letters from the cardboard, it is necessary to prepare:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • paper tape.

Work on the manufacture of letters is as follows:

  1. On corrugated cardboard, draw the desired letter and make two identical billets.
  2. Now from the same cardboard cut striped, bend from each side of this strip 2 cm.
  3. On the bent edges of the strips to apply glue. With their help to combine two blanks of the letter.
  4. Corners Pleise paper scotch and decorate the letter.

As decorations can be: threads that wrap the letter or puncture the finished corrugated colored paper. A little fantasy and your homemade letter will turn into an excellent decorative element.

How to make volumetric letters from foam?

Foams are excellent light bulk letters. At the same time, their manufacture is not very laborious. Before starting work:

  • choose a foam of the required size;
  • prepare a sharp construction knife;
  • select paint for the letter.

Now proceed to work on the creation of a masterpiece.

  1. On paper is a blank-stencil. It can be a separate letter or a whole word.
  2. By stencil, transfer the contours of the letter to the foam.
  3. A sharp knife cut out of foam on the lines letter or word.
  4. Cove the paint ready letter.

It is advisable to apply paint into two layers. Then the porosity of the foam will not be so noticeable. Foam volumetric letters with lace, threads, small flowers, burlap, etc. are decorated.

How to make volumetric letters from plaster?

Gypsum is excellent material from which you can make excellent decor elements in the form of letters. Before proceeding with the work, get the building gypsum and the case.

  1. Initially, you need to make a form. For her, cardboard is perfect. It cut plates from it, from which to lay the desired letter.
  2. The joints of the shake of the form are desirable to sneak tape with the then gypsum "will not run away."
  3. According to the instructions, produce gypsum powder and pour it into a prepared form, carefully distributing on it so that there is no emptiness.
  4. Leave a form for pouring plaster. Usually for this enough 5 hours.
  5. Extract the gypsum letter from the form and with the help of sandpaper to poll all surfaces.
  6. Paint the letter to the desired color and you can decorate the interior.

Volumetric letters is always beautiful and attractive. Try to make such an element of the decor with your own hands any of the above methods. So you will bring a drop of comfort to your home, do not spend a lot of money.

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