How to make a photo album with his own hands

How to make a photo album with his own hands

Even in the era of digital technology, the paper media are indispensable means for storing information. And with a photo album: Everyone pleased to pick up a neatly decorated album imbued with memories of days gone by. You can print digital photos at home, or in any photo shop and put them in a commemorative folder. It is not necessary to buy a photo album, in fact nicer to do it yourself. For this type of needlework even got its own name - scrapbooking. album art is only limited by your imagination, the main thing: to develop the idea. Technology to create his album and practical advice you will find in this article.

How to make a photo album with his own hands: manifest fantasy

To start, you need to come up with a cover design of your album, because a set of materials depends on this. You can give preference to the clay blanks, frames, ryusham, any fabric, decorative elements in any manifestation. Some even make albums of old jeans, skirts, diapers. If your photo album is going to be thematic, for example, on the occasion of the birth of the child, try to make the cover of the first segment of diapers baby. This album itself will be a memorable and favorite thing.

How to make a photo album with his own hands: materials

Once you have decided that you want to use to create cover, start collecting tools for scrapbooking, namely:

  • Stapler.
  • Hole puncher.
  • Small sharp scissors.
  • Glue and brush for him. If you use different materials to create the cover, you may need different types of glue.
  • Graph paper.
  • Very thick cardboard for the cover of a disassembled part of the old photo album.
  • Billets for scrapbooking pages.
  • Syntepon segment.

You can not use blanks, and to do everything on their own pages. Then you need more cardboard.

How to make a photo album with his own hands: the process of creating

If you decide to make a new cover of the old one, then everything will be very simple:

  • Obtyanite cloth cover as desired, and secure it with glue, a stapler, a needle and thread from the inside of the album.
  • On the surface of the fabric lay out all the elements of decor that you came up with in advance.
  • Punch in the cover, do the small holes to connect it to the album page.
  • The blanks pages you have previously purchased, as do the holes.
  • Connect the cover and pages with thread and needle, stationery or end rings.

If you decide to connect the thread of the page, then select a nice thick fuzzy yarn that will fit styles. Of course, you can make a page for yourself, then you need a lot of cardboard and a ruler, as well as gauze, which you will strengthen the spine.

How to make a page for the album with his own hands

To get started, take a piece of cardboard, which will be blank: you will measure the size of all page names on it. Cut out the required amount of cardboard pages office knife. Now you face the challenge: nice combine these pages. Most often, scrapbooking experienced craftsmen do so:

  • It should be cut into small strips of construction paper width of 2-2.5 cm.
  • Glue the pages of these strips so that the space left between the pages for the decorations and the photos themselves.
  • Spine grease glue and glue several layers of cheesecloth.

Then on the back can be glued a small piece of cardboard to fortify it. For the main part of the glue and let dry pages album.

Embellish the page using any elements, but make sure that they are not too bulky.

How to make the cover for the album of cardboard

If you did not use an old photo album as a framework, the cover should be done on such algorithm:

  • Very thick cardboard obtyanite syntepon a piece to the album was voluminous and pleasant to the touch;
  • Atop make slinky cloth, which was chosen earlier.

This cover is necessary to connect the punch to you it was easier to work with cardboard.

Now that you know what to do with his hands photo is not difficult, the main thing: to stock up on materials and show imagination. Look at a few instructional videos to gain knowledge as well as pictures already finished work on the Internet.

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