What is a perfractor

What is a perfractor

Art is a deep and multifaceted sphere of human activity. Differences in the perception of the surrounding world, the strength and depth of emotional experiences, their character, as well as individual views and talents gave rise to many directions in art. The perfect place among them occupies the perfusion, the current definition of which appeared in the 1960s (although the birth of this direction occurred in the 20s of the twentieth century). What is hiding behind it, it would seem to be a term?

Perfomance - Interpretation of the term

First of all, the Perfomance is a presentation, some action focused on a public demonstration. The event has a clear organization, staging, carries a certain idea. Its basis is a person's actions. Several main interpretations of Perfomance are isolated:

  • "Live" form of art at which one person or several persons at a certain time and in a particular place represent any story.
  • Pseudoatral action, the organization and directing of which is carried out by one leader (professional) or with a group of followers. During the speech, the rhetoric is most often missing, because The idea of \u200b\u200bsetting is transmitted through visual images.
  • A short speech of one person or a group of persons taking place on the previously planned scenario, the purpose of which is the awakening of emotional and aesthetic experiences in the audience and fans.
  • A peculiar synthesis of the theater, music and props (special effects), the perception of which is made using the visual assessment of what is happening.
  • Public speaking, whose goal is any appeal, advertising or a certain effect.
  • Advertising actions of artists, the purpose of which is the representation of a not finished product, for example, paintings or sculptures, and the actual process, ideas.

Perfomance - the main differences of this type of art

  • A key object is a person. It is he who personifies the actual work of art. Perfomance can be both solitary and group.
  • One of the main differences in this type of productions from theatrical is the lack of pre-thought-out replicas. At the same time, the scenario of the event, all movements and postures are accurately worked out.
  • For perception and understanding of the Perfomance, there is no need to own special knowledge or intellectual base - any passer-by is able to see the performance, testing certain emotions (according to the individual characteristics of perception and scores of estimates) and go further.

Often, Perfomance is part of such stylistic solutions as Flashmob, Body Art, Harlem Shake, Plankering.

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