What is adnexitis

What is adnexitis

Adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages of uterus (ovaries and uterine pipes). This diagnosis can hear almost every one of us at the reception at the gynecologist. Dangerous, due to the fact that if the disease is launched and moved into a chronic form, then with a high probability a woman can also hear and no less terrible diagnosis - infertility. What you need to know about this disease to consult a doctor on time and start treatment?

The reasons why inflammation of appendages can begin: infectious diseases, introduction into the vagina of various chemicals, as well as a concomitant disease against the background of the general weakening of the body during overwork, colds, hypothermia, and other things. Infections can get during unprotected sexual acts, but chemicals, such as, for example, iodine or alcohol, after abortion carried out in "handicraft conditions" outside the hospital. Adnexite can also begin with non-compliance with elementary hygiene rules.


Symptoms of the acute stage of the disease: Increased temperature and severe pain at the bottom of the abdomen, which are just enhanced during a visit to the toilet, when performing physical exercises. In rare cases, the disease can also be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, bloating and a general deterioration of the patient's condition. As for chronic adhesitis, he usually begins to manifest itself after supercooling (especially when the legs froze, or the girl sat on the cold), after an abortion with the scanning of the uterus, during menstruation. Symptoms of chronic adnexitis: acute pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the region of the sacrum, violation of a normal menstrual cycle, accompanied by abundant discharge, high temperature.


What if you suspect adnexitis? Urgently contact the doctor! Usually the diagnosis can be confirmed already after inspection in the chair, but additional analyzes may be appointed for the presence of infectious diseases, as well as ultrasound. The patient is put on treatment in the hospital, less often the doctor permits to be treated at home. If the patient turned on time, then adhesitis can be cured over one or two weeks. The longer to postpone the visit of the doctor, the greater the chances that the disease passes into a chronic form with the corresponding consequences.


What can not be done during the disease:

  • it is categorically forbidden to heat the heat, otherwise the microbes that caused the disease may begin to multiply by an accelerated pace;
  • to delay emptying (carefully follow not only in order to empty the intestine daily, and also by urination);
  • from sex for a while will have to refuse;
  • it is not recommended to take acute food;
  • walk, dressed in light, as well as wear wet shoes.



Adhesitis is not a sentence. And if the patient should correctly follow the instructions of the doctor, then recovery comes quickly and without consequences. In case the disease accepted a chronic form, the sanatorium-resort treatment, therapeutic gymnastics, as well as regular observation in the gynecologist, may be additionally appointed.


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