How to check the patency of the fallopian tubes

How to check the patency of the fallopian tubes

The ovaries and the uterus are interconnected by uterine pipes. Pipe patency can be impaired as a result of operations on the internal organs of the pelvis, including appendicitis, as well as the consequences of inflammation, infectious diseases. After the indicated reasons, adhesions may form, due to which the walls of the pipes seem to be glued. As a result, the normal process of the egg output is practically impossible, which leads to infertility or ectopic pregnancy. How to check the patency of the fallopian tubes?

To begin with, a woman must understand herself whether she needs this procedure. Here is a list of signs that can serve as signals for its conduct:

  • irregular menstrual cycle or its complete cessation;
  • primary or secondary infertility, when the desired pregnancy does not occur for more than six months;
  • regular or chronic inflammation of the appendages;
  • infectious diseases transmitted;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

Ultrasound of the patency of the fallopian tubes or hysterosalpingoscopy is one of the easiest ways to implement the analysis. It is done right in the office and does not require placement of the patient in the department. It is performed in two ways: viewing through the abdominal cavity or transvaginally, by introducing the apparatus into the vagina. Previously, a special concentrate is introduced to the patient, thanks to which this conduct of ultrasound is possible, in contrast to the usual one, in which the fallopian tubes are not visible. The procedure is performed from 5 to 20 days of the cycle, but doctors recommend contacting 8-11 days to be as close as possible the day of ovulation. It is during this period that the cervix is \u200b\u200beasier to introduce concentrate, endometriosis is thin, and the probability of spasms is minimal. Of the shortcomings, one can note the unpleasant sensations of the patient, a slight irradiation of the pelvic organs, the need to protect through one menstrual cycle.

Laparoscopy is the most accurate research method that allows you to evaluate not only the state of the fallopian tubes, their cross -country ability, the general condition of the endometrium, the ovaries, the procedure for eliminating the cyst or polycystic ovary, and also much more. This is a surgical method in which a complete inspection is carried out using optical devices, as well as, if necessary, treatment. After the procedure, the patient remains three small incisions, which soon drag out, most often without even leaving scars. Recovery after surgery occurs quite quickly, in the hospital doctors observe only a day after the operation, and you can return to work after 2-3 days. Of the shortcomings of this method, one can note the restriction of physical exertion in the first two to three weeks, for a similar period abstinence from sexual intercourse, as well as eating light food, which will not lead to constipation.

These two methods are the most accurate and modern. However, laparoscopy is used when there is a need not only to diagnosis, but also directly treatment. Each of them is tolerated quite easily, and pregnancy can occur in the first few months after successful conduct.

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