How to improve brain work

How to improve brain work

As you know, a person extremely ineffectively uses brain capabilities. At the same time, there are many different techniques that allow improved memory and other intellectual abilities. Consider the most affordable ways to improve the brain.

Clean the vessels. The life of a modern man inevitably leads to pollution of the body. Residents of megacols breathe air, which contains many harmful substances. People buy products stuffed with preservatives, many drink water doubtful quality. Therefore, to improve the brain, it will be useful to clean the vessels and blood. To do this, use environmentally friendly products with cleaning properties: onions, garlic, carrots, cabbage, horseradish, buckwheat porridge. Drink a day at least two liters of water, not counting tea, juices and compotes. Drink herbs, inhibiting cholesterol synthesis in the body, and the head will work much better.

Perform breathing exercises. Respiratory gymnastics will help to saturate the brain cells with oxygen. As a result of a couple of uncomplicated exercises, the blood will better absorb oxygen, which will beneficially affect the nutrition of the brain. First, every day you need to delay breathing in exhalation, gradually increasing time. Secondly, it is useful for 10 minutes a day to perform rhythmic breathing. At the same time, breathe breathing, breathing delay, exhalation and again breathing delay - all stages of 8 pulse blows. These two exercises give a good effect with regular execution for several months. Especially useful to make respiratory gymnastics in the fresh air.

Fast brain stimulation. There are many drugs in pharmacies for improving brain work. Let us dwell on several stimulants of plant origin. If you need to prepare hard for exams or on the horizon there is a large amount of other mental work, preparations from ginseng, Chinese lemongrass will come to the aid, Rose radiols, Eleutherococcus, and so on. In addition, extracts from these plants perfectly tone the entire body as a whole and improve metabolism. Psychophysical reactions of the body, mental and physical endurance improve almost instantly.

Sports. Science has been proven that sports walking, running, swimming, skis contribute to the blood filling of all brain vessels. If there is no time for a visit to the pool and on the morning jog, at least more walk in the fresh air. In addition to walking, it is worth finding time for a few simple physical exercises: running on the spot with the transition to a quick step, mahi legs (the height is not important), the slopes of the body, slow rotation of the head, the knuckles and the racks on the head, incomplete movements.

Office workers. Especially relevant to the effective work of the brain for office workers. Forced low mobility and fresh air deficiency sometimes interfere with make optimal solutions, lead to all sorts of errors. To make life easier, do not forget to regularly venture the office. Drink more water, because there is no wonder on all kinds of meetings before important officials put bottles with water. Use the exercises for hands. Modern studies have shown that ordinary applause, rubbing palms and gymnastics for fingers helps to focus, improve memory and attention.

With the help of a combination of the above methods, it is possible to significantly improve the work of the brain. Methods Choose according to the time of their action.

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Karina 09/09/2018 at 17:24

I, as soon as I stepped over the sixth ten, the memory began to pass ... It is very unpleasant to feel yourself old and weak. And you know, personally helped me somehow improving the situation proper nutrition with an abundance of useful fats, yoga and carnosine Evalarovsky. Now even the rhymes began with the grandson to teach-remembered everything easily ... I really advise such a way))


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