How to improve vision

How to improve vision

60% of the human brain information receives from visual perception. Accordingly, the more clear signals visual nerves can be sent to the brain, the faster and more accurately they are treated. However, not all people can boast 100%, and dry statistics give out harsh digits - every third man of the planet has any deviations from the norm. That is why various methods of improving vision and products affecting its sharpness are incredible popularity.

You can improve vision using gymnastics. This method is suitable for those who have weakly developed eye muscles and need them regular training:

  • Try to climb a lot, and then sharply open your eyes.
  • Describe the circle around the circle clockwise, then replace the inverse movement.
  • After the need to draw the eyes of the bisector. opinion should lead diagonally from the right corner to the left, stop, blink and continue to exercise from the opposite corner.
  • Squinting and try to look at my nose.
  • Glue the paper to the window circle of small diameter and focus the eyes on it, and then look out the window. Repeat several times.
  • Make massage the eye area by gently pressing on the eyelids.

Repeating this exercise daily will improve the view noticeable after 1-2 weeks.

Exercises to improve vision

Improve visual sharpness can also ... A simple test Table of Sivzva, according to which they check the area in the cabinets at oculists. You just need to hang it on the wall at a distance of 3-5 meters from myself and daily pay the table a few precious minutes of your time. Exercises with her are quite simple - you should try to read the smallest symbols, closing alternately, then another. As soon as the stitch finished earlier will begin to clarify and stop seemingly blurred stain, it is worth moving even lower and try to see smaller letters. It is advisable to do this exercise several times a day for 3-4 minutes. Literally a week later, the vision is much improved and the items will look clearer.

Table Sivzueva

Ensuring full nutrition nutrition also improves vision. Incidentally in this plan vitamins of group A, which are in abundance in blueberries, carrots and liver. Berries need to be consumed fresh, and a grated carrot is better mixed with sunflower / olive oil, fat-soluble vitamin A is absorbed in this way much better.

Products to improve vision

Often the reason for the loss of township and clarity of the view is the incorrect organization of the workplace. Gorbing, stitching and uncomfortable at the desktop, a person grows all the vessels that provide full blood flow. You can fix it in only one way - making changes to the organization of the workspace and rearrangement of the furniture more successfully. You must remember the posture, do not hurt and do not sit too close to the computer monitor.

Competent organization of working protony will help improve vision

You can improve vision and without referring to the doctor (if it is not a pathology that can only be medicated). It is enough to just go to themselves, to establish the right nutrition and spend a few minutes a day to perform simple exercises.

Comments leave a comment
Valeria 05/15/2018 at 13:55

Hello everyone! In general, there are any method to improve vision? Operations are afraid terrible, I would not want to bring the situation at all until it, since in principle it is not entirely critical, but you need to think about vision.

Anastasia 05/21/2018 at 10:27

Of course exist !! There are a lot of exercises, even on the Internet will find a video with a complex of exercise for the eyes. Nutrition also has a very positive effect on the improvement of vision. I will like Forte, as an additional source of carotenoids, vitamins C, E, zinc and selenium. These components of the complex contribute to the maintenance of visual acuity and improving the functional state of the retina during age-related changes in the tissues of the eye. Therefore, you can try to do without surgery, it is generally the last option, as it seems to me.

Nina 08/10/2019 at 14:58

Thank God, I never had such a question and did not stand it ... I read that my vision is good only thanks to me. All life I make a lot of carrots, blueberries. Recently, it is still blueberry forte from Evalar I accept courses (I order phytomarket in the online store, so cheaper). That's all together and makes your business)


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