How to save a person when stopping heart and breathing

How to save a person when stopping heart and breathing

Clinical death is a pathological condition at which the stopper and respiratory activities occur, but still does not occur the death of the brain, which makes it possible to return the person to life. Brain cells are very sensitive to oxygen starvation. Their death begins after 5 minutes after stopping blood flow and gas exchange. Resuscitation actions should be carried out in a timely manner, quickly, accurately and without panic. Their algorithm should know everyone so that if necessary, you should help your loved ones, friends, familiar or simple passers-by.

The main causes of clinical death

  • Fibrillation of ventricles. In patients with heart arrhythmias, sometimes a fatal violation of the rhythm of the heart occurs. This can occur spontaneously or caused by provoking factors to which stress relates, heavy physical exertion, concomitant diseases or reception of contraindicated drugs.
  • Closed injury of chest. Most often, this type of injury occurs when car accidents occurs when the driver beats his chest on the steering wheel. In this case, the organs of the chest cavity are sharply compressed. Lights can break and cause pneumothorax, and the heart sometimes stops or bursts from the hydrodynamic impact.
  • Drowning. There are various types of drowning. With true drowning, clinical death occurs directly from liquid bronchi. With reflex drowning, a larynx spasm arises, which can be triggered by a jump in cold water. At the same time, water falls into bronchi after the onset of clinical death.
  • Electric injury. The outcome of the electrical injury directly depends on the path of the passage of the electric current through the body. The most dangerous path passes through the heart and the brain. In the first embodiment, the heart stops can occur from the direct current action on the heart muscle, and in the second - due to damage to the structures of the brain barrel.


By what criteria you can identify clinical death

  • Lack of consciousness and reaction to sound, as well as pain stimuli.
  • The absence of a pulse wave on the central arteries. Sleepy arterys are checked, which are in the front-wind sections of the neck. To confirm, the pulse is checked on radial arteries passing in the field of leaky joints.
  • Lack of respiratory movements. You can check by bringing cotton wool, paper, mirror, hand or ear to the nose or open mouth. It is also not observed the movement of the chest.
  • Termination of the heart. You can find leaning the ear or the phonenendoscope to the left of the sternum. At the same time there will be no heart tones.
  • The lack of reaction of pupils into light.

Indirect heart massage to save a person when stopping heart and breathing

According to new protocols, cardiovascular resuscitation begins with indirect heart massage. The victim should lie back on the solid surface. Crossed palms must be put on the lower third of the sternum. Hands must constantly be dispersed in the elbow joints. Press on the chest is needed by the whole body so that it begged for 5 centimeters. Weak compressions will not give any result. You need to push often and quickly, with an approximate frequency of 100-110 compressions per minute.

Ensuring the passability of the upper respiratory tract to save the person when stopping the heart and breathing

This is the following manipulation that the assistant or you yourself are in parallel with you. If necessary, it is necessary to clean the oral cavity. Next, you need to trap the victim, open his mouth and push the lower jaw forward. This is carried out by a triple reception of Safara, providing the patency of the respiratory tract. Without it, the next stage may be ineffective.

Artificial respiration to save a person when stopping heart and breathing

This manipulation has three options: "Mouth in the mouth", "mouth to the nose" and "mouth in the mouth and nose." The contact surface must be covered with a handkerchief, gauze or thin clothing. After every 30 chest compresses, two deep breaths need to be made. At the same time, not forgetting the triple reception of Safar. You can learn about the effectiveness of artificial respiration in the movement of the chest. When "from the mouth in the mouth" you need to close the nose of the victim.

The above manipulation can carry out almost every person without having intensive care equipment and medicines. Do not think that the victim will immediately rise immediately and thank you. It happens only in films. All these actions should be carried out in order to maintain minimal blood flow and gas exchange in the brain until the resuscitation brigade arrives.

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